The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b5)

(I   want  to  dedicate these series of  texts  to  those  of  my  former  Greek  students, male and  female, who  in  the end chose “mediocrity”  and  “virtual  reality”  for  the  sake  of  their  own  society, their own  families and  their own “survival”.)


We  shall  return once  again to  the  first  years  of  the  Byzantine Empire,  when  the “conspiracy” between its  political  authorities, the clerical authorities  and  the  International  Jewish Establishment was initiated, and  progressively evolved and took  roots.

The  Byzantine Empire  was  founded by  Constantine the  Great(272A.D.-337A.D.), son  of  the  Roman Caesar Flavius Valerius  Constantius  and his  wife Helen. The Roman  Emperor Diocletian, who introduced the political institution of  the  “tetrarchy”(four individual rulers) in 293A.D., appointed Constantius A’(293A.D.-306A.D), Caesar of  Gaul, Spain and  Britain, meaning  the Western Provinces of the  Roman Empire. Constantine the   Great, son of  Constantius A’, ruled  as Emperor of   the  Western Roman Empire from 312A.D. to  324A.D., and as sole Emperor of the  Empire from 324A.D. to  337A.D.

Constantine the   Great implemented  three major historic decrees which would  define concretely , the political, the historical and  the cultural identity of  Byzantium until its demise, during the  middle of  the 15th  century  A.D..

First  of  all , he signed the  decree of  Mediolanum(Milan) in 313A.D., when  he  was  Emperor of  the  Western  Roman  Empire, enacting the legislation of  “religious tolerance”, therefore, legalizing  Christianity as a  “tolerated religion” which would be under  the  protection of  the  Emperor himself!!! Byzantine Emperor Theodosius A’ was the one  who  on  February 28, 380A.D., in  Salonika, passed the  legislation, making Christianity “the official religion” of  the  Byzantine Empire. Theodosius,  had  activated  the decisions taken by the  First Ecumenical Synod in Nicaea in 325A.D., under the rule of   Byzantine Emperor, Constantine the  Great!!!

The  second  political initiative taken by  Constantine the  Great  was  the  official relocation of  Rome  as capital of  the  Roman Empire  to  Constantinople, which pragmatically meant the creation of  the  Eastern Roman Empire.

Finally, he organised the First Ecumenical   Synod of Nicaea in 325A.D., which was  a determinant historical  factor  concerning the  evolution of  Christianity  as a World Religion. This Synod defined , validated  and  formalized  the  various Christian dogmas, the church institutions and finally, the socio-political status of   the  Church in relation to the powers of the Emperor, his court and the local administrations  throughout the territory of the Byzantine Empire!!!

The  Byzantine Empire was a  “superficial simile” of  the  Roman Empire, as the Roman Empire had been “a  rough copy” of  the political and social  culture of  the  Greek City  States!!! The political, cultural  and  institutional cohesion of  the  Byzantine Empire was superficial and  not the  end  product of a historical  evolution!!!

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b4)

(I  want  to  dedicate  these  series of  texts to  those   of   my  former  Greek  students, male  or  female,  who  in  the  end  , chose “mediocrity”  and  “virtual reality”,  for  the  sake  of  their own  society, their  own  families  and  their own “survival”)


This  part of  our  Epilogues(b4), is  a  synopsis of  the first three texts of  this  series  of  articles(epilogues b1,b2,b3), where I described the “historical conspiracy” between  the  Byzantine political  authorities, the Greek Orthodox Church and  the  International Jewish Establishment to undermine, weaken and  isolate the  social, cultural and political values , as  well  as the  historical institutions  of  Ancient  Greek  Civilization within  the  wider  geographical Mediterranean region  and  the Middle  East.

We  shall  begin this  text by  comparing one  more  time, the  critical historical, cultural , ideological and  existential differences between Ancient  Greek  Civilization  and  the  Traditional Jewish Civilization of  2,500  years.

The  most important cultural and  ideological  differences between  these  two  civilizations  originate from  the  historical  fact that Ancient  Greek  Civilization was not  founded, constructed and developed by   “metaphysical” or  “divine” intervention, but  through  the “free initiatives” and  the  “free creativity” of  mortals, responding to  the  social  demands  and  the aesthetic  criteria  of  their  time and  their own  geopolitical space. These therefore were the  basic  societal  incentives  for  the  “extraordinary” and  “accelerated”  cultural  and  historical development of  the  Greek Race  and  the  Greek Nation.

In  contrast, within the Traditional  Jewish Civilization  of  2,500  years, its  philosophic constructs  and  ideological  values had  already  been defined since  its  foundation, through “divine interventions”  and  “divine guidelines”, which meant they were  revealed as  “absolute”, “perfect” and “untouchable”!!! All this entailed, historically, socially  and  culturally, the “total  submission” of  all Jews to  this  “divine scheme”, with  no possibility of  a  historical  evolution, since  Human Beings are  the  sole creative  social  entities which can  produce and  promote  historical events  and historical  developments, reacting to the  specific societal needs and  expectations of  their time!!! Concluding, one  could  say that  Traditional Jewish Civilization remained ”static” ,  since  within their own society  , the  philosophic principles of  the “dialectic mental process”  and  the  “freedom of  choice” could  not  function!!!

Philo the  Jew(20B.C. -45A.D.),  who  lived  in  Alexandria, Egypt, during the  time  of  Jesus  Christ, came  from a  rich and  aristocratic  Jewish family  of Egypt, had  studied in  Greek schools(gymnasiums) , had  his  own  personal  Greek  tutors, while  he only  spoke  Greek!!! In  the previous  part of  our  narrative(Epilogue b3), we  examined in  detail  the  biography of  Philo, because he  represents an important  historical  figure who  defined not  only  the theology of  the  Jews, but  the  theology of  Christians and  later on of  Moslems. He  is  considered the  first  theologian of  the  Christian Religion by  the  Fathers of  the  Greek  Orthodox Church, because  all of  his  theological analysis was  based on the Old  Testament  as  was Christianity,  with  the  critical  exception of  the  “Universal Spiritual  Teachings” of  Jesus  Christ, even though he had been  educated  to  become  a  Jewish  Rabbi!!!

Philo was a  historian, a  philosopher, a  theologian  and  a  politician. His  philosophic  and  ideological principles  were  based on  the  Old Testament  and  the  Jewish  Prophets, all  under  the  guidance and  the  guidelines of  the High Jewish Priesthood  of  Judea  and  the  Jewish  Religious  Establishment of  Egypt. The  purpose of  his  teachings was the “distortion” and the  “subversion” of  the  historical and  cultural  identity  of  the  Ancient Greek  Civilization and  the  human  factors  and  creations which  had  composed it. Philo in  his  teachings and  writings  supported  absolutely the  thesis  that  the philosophic and political concepts, the  scientific discoveries and  inventions, as  well  as  the literature of  Ancient  Greek Scholars, were founded  on  the  divine revelations, principles and  stipulations of  the Old  Testament!!! Nevertheless, all of  these hyperbolic cultural and  ideological positions of  Philo were easily accepted  and  adopted  by  his wider public audience  and  readers, since they  had  accepted  him as the  most important   theologian of  Christianity and  Judaism, and  later on of  Islam!!!

As  a  consequence, in  order to  better comprehend  the  Traditional Jewish  Civilization, we  will have to address  ourselves  exclusively to  the texts  of  the  Old  Testament, discovering and  clarifying the  basic ideological, philosophic and  existential  priorities  of  the  Jews and their  Civilization!!!

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b3)

(I want to dedicate these series of texts to those of my former Greek students, male and female, who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own “survival”)


Let us go back historically for one more time to the strategy of appropriation of culture from communities, societies and nations which was implemented by the “roaming” Jews in many parts of this earth during the last 2.500 years, usurping all of their “historical aptitudes” and their “racial talents”  (DNA), not only in order to survive but to also “dominate” the geopolitical territories where they resided!!!

We shall start with the Kingdom of the Khazars (650-1048), which we have examined analytically in the previous part of our narrative (Epilogue b2) because it was the “ideal historical example” of Appropriation by Jewish Immigrants of a Powerful Kingdom in the Caucasus which did not represent any common characteristic with them, socially, politically, culturally or racially!!! Nevertheless, from the 8th century A.D., when these Jewish Migrants established themselves in the Kingdom of the Khazars, expelled by the state authorities of the Byzantine Empire and the Arab Kingdoms due to religious conflicts, they were able in a very short time to proselytize the royal Family of the Khazars and the Ruling Class of the country, who very soon imposed on their subjects to accept the Jewish Religion, refuting their traditional religion of thousands of years which was part of Ancient Asian Paganism!!! The indigenous Khazars were forced not only to accept the Jewish Religion as their form of Worship, but also to adopt the cultural values of the Jewish Historical Tradition, as well as using the Jewish Language in commercial transactions as well within the civil services!!!

In the 13th century A.D., the Mongol Hordes arriving from Central Asia, conquered the Kingdom of the Khazars as well as many other regions of the Caucasus and the Black Sea, forcing many Khazar citizens to immigrate to the Ukraine and Russia (p. II, The great majority of the Khazars who escaped to the Slavic Regions of the European Continent were indigenous who had been “proselytized” into becoming Jewish, while there were very few “authentic” Jewish Khazars who were of a Semitic Racial Background!!! The Jewish Khazars who migrated to Eastern Europe, represented the “real core” of the Jewish Race of the Ashkenazi, who as we have clarified in the previous section of our narrative (Epilogue b2), do not represent “to a large degree” a Semitic Genealogical Background, but they are rather a “racial mix” (DNA) of Caucasians and Slavs!!! (p. 6-7,

During the Middle Ages, the large majority of Jews worldwide belonged to the Sephardic Jewish Tribe, Jews of Semitic racial Background, while the Ashkenazi Jewish Tribe, non-Semitic racially represented a “very small minority” of the Jews as a whole!!! Today, the Ashkenazi Jews around the world make up 80% of the Jewish Population, while only 20% are Sephardic Jews!!! (p.7-8, Historically and objectively, most of the Jews today are not of a Semitic Racial Background, but of a racial mix of Central Europeans and Caucasians!!! Therefore, when during the last 100 years, the International Jewish Establishment has succeeded through their own well controlled state politicians, their own well controlled international mass media, their own well controlled national academics and through their own pressure in the policies of non-Jewish Church Institutions, to convey to the wider public another Jewish Historical Myth!!! This Jewish Historical Forgery identifies “genealogically” and “racially” Semitism exclusively with Jews through the “racist” socio-political term of anti-Semitism, meaning showing personal “aversion” and “enmity” against all Jews worldwide. We shall question this historical position “fully” and “dialectically”, by referring to two simple “demographic sets of data”!!!

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b2)


(I want to dedicate these series of texts to those of my former Greek students, male and female, who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own “survival”)


Near the end of our previous text, we said the following:’ Let us now search and find out the “real” historical and socio-cultural components of the Jewish Nation and of the Jewish Race, so that we can compare these with those components defining the Greek Nation and the Greek Race’. With this commentary as point of reference, we shall continue the second part of our narrative(Epilogue b2) concerning the “destructive role” played by the Christian Church, especially the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, in relation to the historical, cultural and social “identity” and “cohesion” of the Greek Nation and of the Greek Race!!!

The second “real historical factor” which I would like to expose here is the “real historical evidence” that in the Religious Tradition of the Jews, there are many divinities!!!

In the beginning, the “omnipotent divine role” which had been assigned to within their Pantheon was represented by the most Powerful and the most Ancient Divinity of all of the Semitic Tribes of Canaan, by the name of «El». Through historic time , the Israelite Race finally chose from this Semitic Pantheon , the divinity of Jehovah to represent them as a Nation and as a Race(pp.1-3,’Yahweh’, It is not accidental the reference made by Saint Matthew in his Gospel(Matthew 27,46), where he documents the last pronouncements made by Jesus Christ before He died on the Cross. Jesus Christ exclaims “in a loud voice saying ,’ Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani???? that is , ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me???’“( Jesus Christ did not address himself to Jehovah, the God of the Jewish Nation and of Abraham, but to «El» or «Eli» , the most Ancient Divinity within the Pantheon of the Semitic Tribes of Canaan!!!

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b1)


(I want to dedicate these series of texts to those of my former Greek students, male and female, who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own “survival”)



For me personally, “the biggest enemy” of the Hellenes as a race and as a nation, as well as that of Ancient Greek Civilization, beginning from the Greek Archaic Period until the Hellenistic and the Greco-Roman historical epochs, is the Christian Church with its initial “transplantation” in the Mediterranean geopolitical region by Saint Paul(15 A.D.- 68 A.D.) and by Saint Peter(4 A.D.-67 A.D.) during the 1st century A.D. and afterwards!!!!

I have studied “in depth” the histories of many nations and states, including the most ancient civilizations such as those of the Arameans, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Chinese and the Hindus, as well as those ancient civilizations afterwards, such as those of the Assyrians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Jews, the Romans, etc. Within the context of my readings related to historical facts and events, leading up to the Present Times, I discovered that in many cases “Conspiracies” by well integrated and well organized groups of people with “common interests”, whether they be political, economic, ethnic, racial or religious( the dominance of a particular religion in various human societies), have defined the socio-cultural course and the historical evolution of a considerable number of human communities, political states and nations!!!!

Some “outstanding” historical examples related to the critical role of “Conspiracies” in “reversing” and “transcending” the established and authorized economic, political, socio-cultural and religious axioms and institutions is the historical event of the murder of King Philip the Second of Macedonia(382B.C.-336B.C.), father of Alexander the Great(356B.C.-323B.C.), committed by close political associates of Queen Olympia of Macedonia(373B.C.-316B.C.), wife of King Philip the Second and mother of Alexander the Great. This “historical political conspiracy” produced those political and social preconditions for the establishment and the expansion of the Hellenistic World Empire of Alexander the Great in Mainland Greece, in the Balkans, in Asia Minor and in Asia, as well as in the Middle East and in the Mediterranean Basin!!!

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue a)

  (I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose "mediocrity" and "virtual reality" for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own "survival")     In one of my verses inspired by Today’s Greek Social Reality, I stated the following: ‘ I am going to tell everything before I leave this life!!! What do I have to lose???’. I have tried to be consistent with this position in all of my texts in my website, defining and analyzing various subjects concerning Human Society in general. Therefore for me , it is important in my “epilogue” for the Greek Crisis of 2012, to be even more scathing, truthful, revealing and straightforward. I would like here to note that in my epilogue, I will repeat certain words or certain phrases more than once at a specific point of my narrative, since I consider that this initiative is imperative in order for the reader to better fathom the weight of this word or phrase in relation to the focus of my written arguments. I would like to begin my “epilogue” which in general terms refers to the political, historical, social,…

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part H)


(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival)


In this text, in which “one more time”, we shall examine the historical causes for Greece’s economic and political crisis of 2012, we shall return to the time-period when Kostas Simitis “excelled” as Prime Minister of this country between 1996 and 2004, because I believe that it represents the most critical period in Greece’s modern history, when the economic and political preconditions were laid out for the “final dissolution” of the country as a “modern” and “independent” Western nation-state. A “developed” nation-state which could provide the social means and the state infrastructure protecting the security of its own population and its own territorial integrity, the economic welfare and the economic development of its own society, as well as the country’s international position and status!!!!

We shall expose some “political events” and some “historical facts” which we did not refer to in our previous articles concerning the Greek Crisis of 2012, therefore introducing a more “spherical” and “complete” view as to how “corrupt” and how “decadent” is the Greek Social Establishment and also how “servile” and “shoddy” are our own Political Leaders!!!!

But before I focus on the various personalities who initiated and ensured the economic, political and social “demise” of Greece, our own little Greece, I would like to make a list of some adjectives and epithets which reflect and define perfectly well the “existential essence” of these “sub-humans” or “human freaks”!!!! The epithets for these “hybrid human entities” are the following: Psychopaths, emotionally insecure, existentially unstable, self-destructive, psychologically bipolar, socially dysfunctional, self-centred, narcissistic, possessive, disrespectful, unscrupulous, dark, unnatural, dishonest, immoral, treacherous, materialistic, voracious, spiritually miserly and erotically deficient!!! Therefore, every time we shall refer to some personality in this essay, take notice and refer back to these epithets, because I promise you that all of these “social entities” are to a large degree similar, all “transient human monsters”!!!!

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The Greek crisis of 2012- a ploy by Foreign Financial and Political Interests, supported by the Human Predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part G)


(I want to dedicate these series of texts to those of my former Greek students, male and female, who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own “survival”)

In the previous part(Part F) of our series of texts consecrated to the “Greek Crisis of 2012”, we briefly mentioned the state offices, the administrative financial positions and the international official distinctions bestowed upon Lucas Papademos(1947- ), Governor of the Central Bank of Greece(1994-2002), and Theodoros Karatzas(1930-2004), Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004), who served in these key state financial posts during the Greek Premiership of Kostas Simitis(1996-2004), with the “socialist” parliamentary political party of PASOK. These two “eminent” and “experienced” economists and technocrats received all these powerful administrative appointments and international official distinctions because of their “professional collusion”(compradors) with the “expansionist world interests” and the “strategic world objectives” of the International Economic and Political Establishment, especially the International American Economic and Political Establishment!!!!

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The Greek crisis of 2012 -a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part F)

(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival).


As we have already mentioned in our previous article (Part E) in the series of texts concerning the Greek “crisis” of 2012, Theodoros V. Karatzas(1930-2004), during his state term in office as Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004), was officially pronounced by “financial experts” of the International Business and Banking Establishment as one of the most successful CEOs worldwide. In this particular article, we also emphasized the fact, the “historical fact”, that this “official international recognition” was decided upon, ignoring “deliberately” his unlawful (legally, constitutionally) participation in the “technical distortion” of the statistical economic data concerning Greece’s National Debt in 2000, his “one-dimensional” economic policy concerning the liberalization of the credit system of Greek Banks, focusing on “cheap” and “easy” consumer loans to all Greek Citizens, his direct involvement in the “dissolution” of the Greek Stock Exchange in 1999, as well as his personal professional responsibility(banking strategies) in the “gradual weakening” of Greece’s Banking Sector which lasted until 2010!!!!

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The Greek crisis of 2012 -a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part E)

(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival).

The first “historical circumstance” which facilitated the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis to execute this whole “underhanded” procedure so that the distortion of the data concerning Greece’s National Debt would not be officially detected by the European Commission and by the European Central Bank was the fact that since that time, meaning from 1998 and until 2008, there was disorganization and a professional laxity(unwittingly due to extraordinary circumstances or maybe wittingly) by the services of Eurostat. The last, represented a European statistical supervisory body which was responsible for extracting and harmonizing the various financial data information coming from the member-states of the European Union, in order to absorb and record officially and scientifically the real economic indicators within a larger European context. This statistical data by Eurostat represented key accounting inputs for processing and evaluating the supervision of the total economic budget of the European Union and of course of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank. During the period when the statistics of Greece’s National Debt were being “cooked up” or “distorted”, meaning in 2000, due to an internal financial scandal, the activities or the services of Eurostat were almost at a stand-still, therefore the people responsible for this auditing bureau of the European Union accepted “at face value” the economic indicators and the official economic assessments provided by the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis, as well as later on, by the Greek Government of Kostas Karamanlis (2004-2009).

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