The Greek crisis of 2012 -a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part D)

(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival).

The next “precious gem”  in  Greece’s modern politics  is  Kostas  Simitis, who served as  Prime  Minister of  Greece  from 1996  to 2004. Both the start and the ending of his premiership were the least, unorthodox and controversial (this in the context of   a normal political process within a   Democratic state), very similar to his own role as a political figure   and  as a political leader. On January 18, 1996, Kostas  Simitis  was  elected  Prime Minister of Greece by the  parliamentary members of his own party, PASOK, who held the majority of seats in the  Greek  Parliament. This followed   after the resignation   of   Andreas Papandreou from the position of  Prime Minister due to health reasons (even though during the last few years of  his premiership,  he was almost an invalid; his Greek male ego did not permit him to abandon political power and political glory).

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The Greek crisis of 2012 -a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part C)

(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival).


The state infrastructure which Andreas Papandreou created as Prime Minister of Greece, of course under the auspices and guidelines of his “foreign mentors”, represents to a large degree the “cliental state” which exists and is in full force today. The next Prime Ministers of Greece, whether they headed the “socialist” political party of PASOK or the ” neo-liberal conservative” New Democracy political party, just made minor alterations so that this “institutional monstrosity” which we all Greek Citizens are familiar with and consciously accept as the Greek State, could become even more fragile(corruptible), more anachronistic and distorted, doomed in the long term to stop functioning as an independent and self-reliant social institution, both politically and economically. We have already mentioned time and time again, that since the establishment of the modern Greek State in 1830, the expansionist strategies of the “foreign international financial centres” with respect to Greece were based on three critical pre-conditions in order to achieve absolute control and to better exploit this country. These strategic pre-conditions were a fragile(corruptible) state or state infrastructure, a fragile(corruptible) society, economically and politically, and the country’s cultural isolation from the developed nation-states of the West. The “cliental state” which was constructed by Andreas Papandreou as Prime Minister of Greece, crystallized, deepened and stabilized even further those components which produced the degradation of Greece, all for the sake of servicing his “foreign bosses”, but with one critical difference in retrospect with all previous Greek governments. The “novel” and “satanic” new input was that Andreas Papandreou had to put together those permanent and solid political, economic, social and cultural elements which would ensure in the near future the “absolute dissemination” of the country as an independent and self-reliant nation and state, and as a consequence to introduce the ideal conditions for these “parasitic” international financial organizations to “plunder” and to “snatch away” all valuable capital resources and services from Greece in a short time span and at a fraction of their real value.

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The Greek crisis of 2012 -a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part B)

(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival).

The   70s, with an effective presidential parliamentary system and with all elected political parties participating freely and independently in all legislative procedures in the  Greek Parliament, produced a certain normality in Greek Society which soon yielded fruits. There was economic development, greater means and protection for a freer  political and cultural expression by all  Greek  Citizens, a more institutionalized  organization of the workers in all professions, and lastly but most critically, once again there was a  social rise of all the democratic and leftist political forces in the country. This last socio-political development had taken place due to a more universal educational system at all levels and also due to  a more coherent and pragmatic political consciousness developing through more independent political parties, a freer press and  the large increase in the numbers of editing houses  which provided the Greek population with a wider range of  books of all types of  learning and ideologies. These democratic and leftist socio-political forces of  Greek Society, “once again”, but with more intensity and pragmatism, demanded “now and then”, a more modern and pluralistic state which would promote and protect the interests and the everyday  needs of all the people, based on the criteria of a modern nation-state, similar to those being applied effectively and creatively in the developed states of the West.

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The Greek crisis of 2012-a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part A)

The Greek crisis of 2012-a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival) (Part A).

It has been more than a year since I have written anything in my site, the reason being that I have been experiencing the “dark psyche” of a whole society, the Greek Society, which in essence is longing for its own dissolution and its own “termination”, schematically but also structurally. I have come to this conclusion as I have confirmed that the greater part of the Greek peoples are not willing, even today, to function in unison and communally so as to promote in their own country a real political, social and national consciousness. All the signs in everyday Greek life show me that Western Enlightenment of the 18th century, hasn’t yet touched the souls, the minds and the everyday activities of the Greek peoples, maintaining to a large degree the social habits and the social prototypes of an Ottoman province of the 18th century.

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