Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part N)

Personal   Verses  Inspired  by    Today’s    Greek  Reality(M)

I   try   to   participate  “creatively”   in   other   people’s  lives ,  not  control   them!!!

Everything  “is   game”!!!

I   am   “different”   because   I   am  “real”!!!!

What   is  this   “human  compulsion”  for   money   and  material   possessions????

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b2)


(I want to dedicate these series of texts to those of my former Greek students, male and female, who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own “survival”)


Near the end of our previous text, we said the following:’ Let us now search and find out the “real” historical and socio-cultural components of the Jewish Nation and of the Jewish Race, so that we can compare these with those components defining the Greek Nation and the Greek Race’. With this commentary as point of reference, we shall continue the second part of our narrative(Epilogue b2) concerning the “destructive role” played by the Christian Church, especially the Greek Orthodox Christian Church, in relation to the historical, cultural and social “identity” and “cohesion” of the Greek Nation and of the Greek Race!!!

The second “real historical factor” which I would like to expose here is the “real historical evidence” that in the Religious Tradition of the Jews, there are many divinities!!!

In the beginning, the “omnipotent divine role” which had been assigned to within their Pantheon was represented by the most Powerful and the most Ancient Divinity of all of the Semitic Tribes of Canaan, by the name of «El». Through historic time , the Israelite Race finally chose from this Semitic Pantheon , the divinity of Jehovah to represent them as a Nation and as a Race(pp.1-3,’Yahweh’, It is not accidental the reference made by Saint Matthew in his Gospel(Matthew 27,46), where he documents the last pronouncements made by Jesus Christ before He died on the Cross. Jesus Christ exclaims “in a loud voice saying ,’ Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani???? that is , ‘My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me???’“( Jesus Christ did not address himself to Jehovah, the God of the Jewish Nation and of Abraham, but to «El» or «Eli» , the most Ancient Divinity within the Pantheon of the Semitic Tribes of Canaan!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part L)

When I talk to you, I want to sense and know that you are really listening to me!!!

Objective Information is “critical” in today’s “well set up” virtual games by the Powerful !!!

There are no easy solutions in life!!! I promise you this!!!

Each step at a time, so as to be able to cope with Everyday Greek Madness!!!

All over the world, all human beings are now “expendable”!!!

Who do you really think you are???

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b1)


(I want to dedicate these series of texts to those of my former Greek students, male and female, who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own “survival”)



For me personally, “the biggest enemy” of the Hellenes as a race and as a nation, as well as that of Ancient Greek Civilization, beginning from the Greek Archaic Period until the Hellenistic and the Greco-Roman historical epochs, is the Christian Church with its initial “transplantation” in the Mediterranean geopolitical region by Saint Paul(15 A.D.- 68 A.D.) and by Saint Peter(4 A.D.-67 A.D.) during the 1st century A.D. and afterwards!!!!

I have studied “in depth” the histories of many nations and states, including the most ancient civilizations such as those of the Arameans, the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Chinese and the Hindus, as well as those ancient civilizations afterwards, such as those of the Assyrians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Jews, the Romans, etc. Within the context of my readings related to historical facts and events, leading up to the Present Times, I discovered that in many cases “Conspiracies” by well integrated and well organized groups of people with “common interests”, whether they be political, economic, ethnic, racial or religious( the dominance of a particular religion in various human societies), have defined the socio-cultural course and the historical evolution of a considerable number of human communities, political states and nations!!!!

Some “outstanding” historical examples related to the critical role of “Conspiracies” in “reversing” and “transcending” the established and authorized economic, political, socio-cultural and religious axioms and institutions is the historical event of the murder of King Philip the Second of Macedonia(382B.C.-336B.C.), father of Alexander the Great(356B.C.-323B.C.), committed by close political associates of Queen Olympia of Macedonia(373B.C.-316B.C.), wife of King Philip the Second and mother of Alexander the Great. This “historical political conspiracy” produced those political and social preconditions for the establishment and the expansion of the Hellenistic World Empire of Alexander the Great in Mainland Greece, in the Balkans, in Asia Minor and in Asia, as well as in the Middle East and in the Mediterranean Basin!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part K)

This mental and spiritual “stagnation” have dismantled Modern Human Beings!!!

You are just simply fooling yourself!!!

Real interests give life to our everyday existence!!!

The curtain of this Theatre of the Absurd is slowly but surely coming down!!!

I have never accepted to have “empty spaces” in my life!!!!

Do you actually know what really belongs to you from this Earth??? Only some ground dirt they will throw into your tomb, just before they close it!!!

I wasn’t born to be a slave but a creator!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part J)



I do not want anymore to live through your own tragedies, time and time again, due to your own stupidity and egocentrism, as I have no personal responsibility for this mess!!!


You want me to take you seriously??? Then, be serious!!!!

You the fanatical leftists and fanatical anarchists, aren’t you tired of constantly speaking theoretically???

Modern Greeks have created a Society which is “null and void” in substance, an “absolute mishmash”!!!!

It is as if you tell the woman who has just been raped, that things could have been a whole lot worse!!!!

How many direct hits will you take from Life until you realize that you have chosen an existence which is “distorted” and “void”???

Wake up from your Eternal Virtual Slumber!!!!

You do not want to recognize and respect “the limits” of Life and Nature, that is the reason why you have gone “off-balance”!!!

When “the famous” and “the mighty” of Society smile and clap together, be sure that they will soon “fuck you”!!!

By continuously telling a whole lot of lies to yourselves and to others, how do you expect to make any constructive changes in your lives???

I have never played Society’s “virtual games”, therefore, I am a Free Person!!! How lucky I am!!!

I have always questioned the Established Order of Things!!!

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue a)

  (I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose "mediocrity" and "virtual reality" for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own "survival")     In one of my verses inspired by Today’s Greek Social Reality, I stated the following: ‘ I am going to tell everything before I leave this life!!! What do I have to lose???’. I have tried to be consistent with this position in all of my texts in my website, defining and analyzing various subjects concerning Human Society in general. Therefore for me , it is important in my “epilogue” for the Greek Crisis of 2012, to be even more scathing, truthful, revealing and straightforward. I would like here to note that in my epilogue, I will repeat certain words or certain phrases more than once at a specific point of my narrative, since I consider that this initiative is imperative in order for the reader to better fathom the weight of this word or phrase in relation to the focus of my written arguments. I would like to begin my “epilogue” which in general terms refers to the political, historical, social,…

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part Ι)



Sleep is “the balsam” of the Human Soul!!!

Since in your life you chose to play it dumb, may God help you!!!

Try now to wake them all up!!!

Get down from your own little Tower because I see you soon jumping down from it!!!

Today, the crux of the matter is who can fool the other more!!!

For money you not only barter your own soul but also your own child!!!

We will all live intensely our everyday lies!!! I promise you this!!!

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