(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival)
In this text, in which “one more time”, we shall examine the historical causes for Greece’s economic and political crisis of 2012, we shall return to the time-period when Kostas Simitis “excelled” as Prime Minister of this country between 1996 and 2004, because I believe that it represents the most critical period in Greece’s modern history, when the economic and political preconditions were laid out for the “final dissolution” of the country as a “modern” and “independent” Western nation-state. A “developed” nation-state which could provide the social means and the state infrastructure protecting the security of its own population and its own territorial integrity, the economic welfare and the economic development of its own society, as well as the country’s international position and status!!!!
We shall expose some “political events” and some “historical facts” which we did not refer to in our previous articles concerning the Greek Crisis of 2012, therefore introducing a more “spherical” and “complete” view as to how “corrupt” and how “decadent” is the Greek Social Establishment and also how “servile” and “shoddy” are our own Political Leaders!!!!
But before I focus on the various personalities who initiated and ensured the economic, political and social “demise” of Greece, our own little Greece, I would like to make a list of some adjectives and epithets which reflect and define perfectly well the “existential essence” of these “sub-humans” or “human freaks”!!!! The epithets for these “hybrid human entities” are the following: Psychopaths, emotionally insecure, existentially unstable, self-destructive, psychologically bipolar, socially dysfunctional, self-centred, narcissistic, possessive, disrespectful, unscrupulous, dark, unnatural, dishonest, immoral, treacherous, materialistic, voracious, spiritually miserly and erotically deficient!!! Therefore, every time we shall refer to some personality in this essay, take notice and refer back to these epithets, because I promise you that all of these “social entities” are to a large degree similar, all “transient human monsters”!!!!
In order to identify and define objectively the substance of the political , economic and social background of Greece during the Greek Premiership of Kostas Simitis(1996-2004), we shall start with some analytical descriptions from Part E of our own series of articles related to the Greek “crisis” of 2012. In these political but also historical analyses we stated the following, ‘…The second historical factor which “rationalized” the distortions of the economic data concerning Greece’s National Debt(in 2000, so that Greece can become a member-state of the Eurozone in 2001) was the everyday socio-political reality that Kostas Simitis as Prime Minister of Greece, governed over a “cliental state”, which meant that a “rotten infrastructure” was maintained by Him and by his “close collaborators” of whichever professional or social background, therefore disposing of all the necessary socio-political instruments and connections “to pull all the strings”, without essentially having “to give any account” either to the Greek Parliament, to Greek Justice or to Greek Society as a whole, a “total absence” of a Democratic Constitutional Government!!! Kostas Simitis, as the then Prime Minister of Greece, functioned as a “feudal lord” of an Ottoman province of the 18th century, exactly the way that had governed his “political mentor”, Andreas Papandreou, when he ruled Greece as Prime Minister during the previous years(1981-1989),(1993-1996)…’ .
In this same article(Part E), we also explained that ‘…. Kostas Simitis with the parliamentary political party of PASOK which he presided over, controlled the majority of seats in the Greek Parliament, which meant that from this legislative state body, he did not have to face any real political resistance or any viable political opposition concerning his policies, at least from the great majority of Greece’s Parliamentarians. Second, Kostas Simitis controlled then, directly or indirectly the various ministries, as well as the top official administrators of these ministries, of state banks, of the civil services and of the state owned mass-media. An “anachronistic” and a “retrogressive” socio-political environment which was based on a “single party” state controlled cliental mechanism, with its most important interlocutors being the political party of PASOK and its higher political cadres(ministers, vice-ministers, general secretaries of ministries, governors and managers of state banks and state insurance organizations, directors of state hospitals, directors of the state mass-media, presidents of the various civil service unions, the top echelon of the armed forces, and many, many other such influential “state party lackeys”…’ .
We have already mentioned that during the time-period of the Greek Premiership of Kostas Simitis(1996-2004), essentially and practically were “set up” these economic, political and social preconditions for the “decisive dismantling” of Greece as a “modern” and “autonomous” Western nation-state. This “dark affair” started in 1998, when the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis defined as its basic political and economic strategy Greece’s accession into the E.E.U, the European Economic and Monetary Union of the member-states of the European Community. On June 19, 2000, the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis submitted officially the application for Greek membership to this Economic Union. Objectively, Greece should not have been allowed to become part of the Eurozone, based on the strict economic criteria which had been set down in the Treaty of Maastricht in 1992, defining the essential preconditions for a future European Economic Union composed of member-states of the European Community. The two most critical economic preconditions which would have permitted a member-state of the European Community to accede to this “powerful economic state consortium” with a single currency, were first of all, that that country’s inflation rate had to be below a certain prescribed value(within 3 years, its rate of inflation could not surpass more than 1.5 % that of the most productive member-state), and secondly and most importantly, that the country’s National Debt would have to be lesser in value to 60% of its Gross National Product(G.N.P.) or at least reflect a downward trend leading soon to this prescribed value. Within the same context(the Treaty of Maastricht), the state budget deficit of the candidate country, would have to be smaller than 3% of its Gross National Product.
In 1998, 11 member-states of the European Community which had applied to join the European Economic and Monetary Union(E.E.U) satisfied these financial preconditions of the Treaty of Maastricht and consequently the Eurozone with its common currency, the Euro, was officially established on January 1, 1999(international commercial law). Greece became officially a member-state of the Eurozone on January 1, 2001, by making use of a whole lot of economic and statistical “trickery” and “manipulations” which in the end drove the Country and its Society in general into bankruptcy!!!!
The “Architect” of this financial “hocus-pocus” was Goldman Sachs, the most powerful International American Investment Bank in the world, a financial organization which has been given the nicknames of “Vampire” by French financial analysts and “The Firm” by American financial analysts. From this International American Investment Bank, the Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, asked for “aid” and its “intervention” so that “unofficially” it could implement various economic statistical techniques and a variety of international bank transactions so that Greece’s National Debt would appear lesser, meaning less than 60% of its Gross National Product(G.N.P) or showing a declining trend which would soon approach this prescribed value. Finally, Goldman Sachs accepted the Greek Prime Minister’s “unofficial invitation” in order to “manipulate” with the cooperation of the Greek Government the economic data of the Greek State, but this happened only after it had taken into account the financial advise of our own ” Foreign Greek Patriot”, Ms. Addy Loudiadis, who worked in the London offices of Goldman Sachs as a bank executive, responsible for its capital derivatives!!!!
Antigony or “Addy”( naturally, a bastardized Ancient Greek name) Loudiadis , convinced her bosses at Goldman Sachs that they could make “a whole bundle of money” in the short term as well as in the long term, by overseeing Greece’s National Debt, the Debt of our own Little Greece. It was a small country with a weak banking infrastructure( all our thanks to the economic contributions made by our own Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Central Bank of Greece(1994-2002) and by our own Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004)…), with an inefficient statistical data organization concerning the fiscal activities of the state, with a powerful “black economy” which undermined the collection of taxes and tariffs, but more critically for the financial ambitions(gold coins) of Goldman Sachs was the fact that Greece’s debt was made up of “composite state bonds”, valued through “unclear money exchange criteria” and an “unclear time-period for reimbursement”, ideal financial parameters for profiteering within the International Financial Markets!!!
Examining objectively and historically all of these economic and fiscal “dysfunctions” and “distortions” of the Greek State, we Greek citizens, should “pay homage” to our own distinguished International Greek Economists, like Kostas Simitis, Prime Minister of Greece(1996-2004), Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Central Bank of Greece(1996-2002), Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004),as well as the bank executive of Goldman Sachs in London, Ms. Addy Loudiadis, or Ms. “Antigony” Loudiadis, for instigating the “economic dissolution” of their own homeland. All of them “unpatriotic” and “unscrupulous” international human scavengers!!!
Kostas Simitis, the Prime Minister of Greece, by accepting Goldman Sachs to become unofficially “the main regulator” for all of the country’s fiscal affairs, not only did he allow for “the wolf to guard the sheep” but he also co-signed for “Shylock to run the Greek shop”!!!
We should not also forget that Lucas Papademos, Mario Draghi, the present Chairman of the European Central Bank, and Mario Monti, the appointed technocrat Prime Minister of Italy(2011-2013) and a former powerful European Commissioner(1995-2004), responsible for the European Union’s economic affairs, functioned and still function(let’s not kid ourselves), “officially” and “unofficially” as financial advisers for Goldman Sachs!!! During the time-period when the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis had concluded the financial agreements with Goldman Sachs so that Greece could become a European member-state of the European Economic and Monetary Union(E.E.U.), applying various “financial manipulations” and “statistical trickery”, Lucas Papademos, Mario Draghi and Mario Monti, all three of them, played a decisive role in promoting the International Financial Interests of Goldman Sachs, naturally at the expense of the “economic self-determination”, the “economic self-management” and the “economic survival” of Greece, as a Modern and Independent Western Nation State!!!!
Antigony Loudiadi or as she is better known as Addy Loudiadis , this after having traded off “her soul” and her “ethnic identity” to Foreign Interests, especially to International Jewish Economic Interests, was the “creative mind” and the “person responsible” in readjusting Greece’s National Debt so that the country could become a member state of the Eurozone in 2001!!! Her “immense financial genius” was spent to service the International Financial Strategies of the American Goldman Sachs but “surely not” to protect the economic independence, the economic self-sufficiency and the international political integrity of “her own country”, our own little Greece!!! One more time, I would like to stress the fact that under the strict economic preconditions as these had been outlined in the Maastricht Treaty of 1992, for a future European Currency Union comprised of member states of the European Community, the most important economic criteria was that the National Debt of any particular country of the European Community had to be less than 60% of its G.N.P.(Gross National Product) or to indicate a declining trend which approached this particular economic indicator!!!
On June 19, 2000, the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis, presented officially Greece’s application to become a member state of the Eurozone, entering this Unified Financial State Consortium on January 1, 2001!!! Goldman Sachs under the “economic guidelines” and “financial strategies” of Antigony Loudiadis or Addy Loudiadis as she is better known, helped in an “ingenious” yet “illegal” way(legal and statistical official regulations of the European Union) to “hide” part of Greece’s National Debt as well as to “deceive” a large number of European Officials responsible for the Eurozone’s Economic Affairs, but not all of them!!! Some European Economic Officials “turned a blind eye” to these “set up banking transactions” and “financial statistical tampering”, opening the way for Goldman Sachs to receive enormous money compensations for its “financial services” and “financial advice” to the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis and very high interest rates for the bank loans it would provide to the Greek State for at least the next 10 years!!! The Historical Conclusion of all of these “illegal financial manoeuvres” was the “financial bankruptcy” of Greece and of Greek Society as a whole on 2011, as well as the most serious “financial crisis” in the short lifespan of the Eurozone!!!!
The Prime Minister of Greece then, Kostas Simitis(1996-2004) with his chosen political cadres and the party state officials of his “entourage”, especially Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Central Bank of Greece(1994-2002) and Theodoros Karantzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004), as well as some European Officials responsible for the economic affairs of the European Union and the Eurozone, cooperated in a “conspiratorial way” so that Greece could become a member state of the European Monetary Union in 2001, this through the “illegal”(Economic Regulations of the European Community) financial intervention of the Internationally Powerful American Investment Bank, Goldman Sachs, which soon “neutralized” in an economic context all those “develop mentalist historical preconditions” which would allow Greece to remain an Independent Western nation-state and for Greek Society to evolve as a “developed” Western Society, in the short term as well as in the long term!!! More importantly, Goldman Sachs’s economic strategy was to undermine the “institutional integrity” and the “economic momentum” of the Eurozone, as the most Important International Financial Market and the Euro as a “powerful international currency” which could challenge the International Supremacy of the American Dollar as a “hard currency”!!!!
Do all of you truly believe that the then Prime Minister of Greece, Kostas Simitis, the various influential party cadres of PASOK and Greek State Bureaucrats affiliated politically to the Greek Prime Minister, as well as some Influential Economic Officials and Politicians of the Eurozone, cooperated directly or indirectly in this “fraudulent” and “unorthodox” financial exploit in order to insure the qualification of Greece to become a member state of the European Economic and Monetary Union(E.E.U.) because they personally judged that this would produce a “positive impetus” towards the economic development of Greece and the Eurozone as a whole??? or because they had personally received “instructions” from particular International Financial and Political Centres and from International Masonic Lodges of which they are “permanent members”, and were obliged to follow their guidelines “absolutely” in order to protect their own economic, political and social privileges which these “dark” and “sinister” International Organizations “had bestowed” onto them????
In order to substantiate more objectively and dialectically the ” unpatriotic” and “subversive” political role which Kostas Simitis enacted as Prime Minister of Greece, promoting International Foreign Interests as well as the Interests of Greece’s Economic and Social Establishment, we will examine some of his personal political initiatives which “essentially” and “practically” obliterated the economic, social and political “defences” of his Own Country and his Own Peoples, as well as that of Greece’s Democracy as a whole!!!
We shall begin with the “real historical event” when Kostas Simitis, Prime Minister of Greece, and his “close state officials” sold in August of 2003, 20 tons from the gold reserves of the Central Bank of Greece to Foreign Banks and to Foreign Financial Institutions. First of all, these 20 tons of gold represented approximately 1/6 of the gold reserves of the Central Bank of Greece, gold reserves of the Greek State which protect the Greek National Economy in the International Financial Markets during a Financial Crisis. Second, the sale of this gold owned by the Greek State was undertaken “in secrecy”, without any official authorization by the Greek Parliament, which means that this “governmental initiative” represented an “illegal political act” or even a “legal crime”. Third, the 20 tons of this Greek Gold which were sold “secretly” by the Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, and his “state buddies”, was a transaction which took place when the price of gold was a its lowest price for years Internationally, meaning around 300 American dollars an ounce. This meant that the Prime Minister of Greece, Kostas Simitis, with his “close state associates” , burdened economically the Greek Public Sector while reinforcing financially Foreign Banks and Foreign Financial Institutions which could sell this gold at a later date to International Financial Markets at a higher price, therefore increasing their own Capital Reserves!!!!
The official reason which was provided much later on by the Greek Economic State Functionaries responsible for this “secret financial exchange” was that the 20 tons of gold(which practically and constitutionally belonged to the Greek Nation) were sold off so that the money received could be invested in more “secure” and “profitable” outlets, such as foreign state bonds and the Euro!!!!
In order to better understand that this “secret sale” of 20 tons of gold belonging to the Central Bank of Greece was not necessarily decided upon by the then Prime Minister of Greece, Kostas Simitis, and his “close political comrades” so that the Country’s State Treasury could be replenished, but mostly to “fill in the gaps” in the capital reserves of Powerful American Banks such as Morgan Stanley and Lehman Brothers( which these banks were experiencing at that time), we shall refer to the “eye catching” historical example of Great Britain, when Gordon Brown was the Minister of Finance(1997-2007) under the Labour Government of Tony Blair. Gordon Brown, of course with the official approval of the then British Prime Minister Tony Blair, sold off through “well set up auctions” and not through “legal state financial transactions”, 400 tons of gold belonging to the British Treasury, this during the period between 1999 and 2002; supplying “directly” Powerful American Banks and American Financial Institutions!!!
These “large sales” of Britain’s State Gold Reserves during the British Labour Government of Tony Blair(the politician with the golden touch) , sent the price of gold tumbling in the International Financial Markets to its lowest levels in 20 years, reaching around 250 to 300 American Dollars an ounce!!! As was the case with the “state gold” sold off by the Greek “Socialist” Government of Kostas Simitis, so it was with the “state gold” sold off by Britain’s “Labour” Finance Minister, that the Powerful American Banks which bought it , in due time, started selling it in the International Gold Markets, making very high profits at the financial expense of the State and the Citizens of their own countries; a precious commodity which was the “sole property” of the Nation and its Society, both Legally and Constitutionally!!!
Here I would like to make a “historical parenthesis” and focus on a “powerful Greek political figure” of that period , meaning the beginning of 2000, who functioned as a vital and strategic human component involving the terminal “irregular” and “illegal” economic initiatives taken by Kostas Simitis as Prime Minister of Greece, similar to Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Central Bank of Greece(1994-2002) and Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004). I am referring to Nicolaos Garganas(1937- ), who also functioned as an “integral partner” in this “unpatriotic” and “foreign inspired” Conclave of Kostas Simitis!!!
In the year(2003) of this “unconstitutional” and “illegal” sale of Greek Gold which belonged to the Central Bank of Greece, Nicolaos Garganas was the Governor of the Central Bank of Greece(2002-2008), replacing Lucas Papademos who had left this important state financial post in 2002, after having completed his “subversive contribution” in actualizing the political task of making Greece a member state of Europe’s Monetary Union in 2001, while also ensuring Greece’s economic demise in 2012!!! We have to emphasize here that Lucas Papademos, a “former employee” of Goldman Sachs, was appointed that same year(2002) by the Governing Authorities of the European Community as Vice-Governor of the Central Bank of the European Community, meaning one Happy but also Corrupt European Political Family!!!
Nicolaos Garganas is not “just another state official” in Greece’s very recent History. He was a very close associate and friend of Kostas Simitis since the start of the latter’s “political career” and “political ascendancy” during the 1960s and the 1970s. When Kostas Simitis was assigned important ministerial positions with the Greek Government of Andreas Papandreou and PASOK during the 1980s and the 1990s, Nicolaos Garganas was appointed to “key state positions” as an economic advisor to various Greek Ministries and State Organizations. Later on, the then Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, appointed Nicolaos Garganas to the very powerful state post of Vice-Governor of the Central Bank of Greece(1996-2002), with Lucas Papademos as that Bank’s Governor and Giannos Papantoniou as the Greek Minister of Finance , and I am not mentioning this last political figure by chance because he is “almost in jail” today !!!
Nicolaos Garganas played a “vital consultative role” in decisive governmental decisions concerning the economic policies of the country during the Greek Premiership of Kostas Simitis(1996-2004), while he was also one of the “state protagonists” in promoting Greece’s membership in the European Economic and Monetary Union in 2000, from his state position as Vice-Governor of the Central Bank of Greece. Now can you all better understand what I meant when I previously referred to that “unpatriotic” and “foreign inspired” Conclave of Kostas Simitis, which had defined all the political events and all economic developments in Greece during this very Momentous but also Catastrophic Historical Period of this Country!!!!
A Third Sinister Historical Event related to that Exclusive Team of “political traitors” and “state crooks” loyal to the then Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis(1996-2004), is the gradual Collapse of the Greek Stock Market starting in 1999, with the main perpetrators being the Greek Prime Minister himself and this Team of “close associates”. All of these supposedly “political modernists”, in a “conspiratorial” and “premeditated” way, initiated the economic demise of the average Greek Citizen and of Greek Society as a whole, following step by step, a “subversive” Political and Economic Strategy which in essence was finalized when Greece won the candidature in hosting the Summer Olympics of 2004 and the “so called” Large Construction Projects which were undertaken during the previous years, in order for Greece to promote and ensure its candidature for the Olympic Games of 2004. Overestimated and overpriced State Construction Projects such as the new Metro of Athens, the Tram of Athens, the new Athens Airport “Elefterios Venizelos”, the new state highway “Attica” linking the Metropolis of Athens with the newly constructed Athens Airport, as well as all of the new Sports Installations and Facilities throughout Greece which would accommodate the hundreds of Athletic Competitions representing the Olympic Games!!!
From the “practical dissolution” of the Greek Stock Market beginning in 1999, as well as from the over budgeted Large Construction Projects related directly or indirectly to the Olympic Games of 2004, Foreign Economic Interests, the Greek Economic and Social Establishment, as well as the state and political “chums” of Kostas Simitis and the Greek Prime Minister himself, “pocketed” billions of euros in today’s Greek currency, which were eventually paid by the average Greek Citizen, the average Greek Tax Payer and the Greek State. This led the Greek Nation into “real” Bankruptcy in 2012, with a National Debt exceeding 300 billion euros , which corresponded to more than 185% of the G.D.P. of the country, our own little Greece!!! We should all therefore be proud of all of these Greek Political Swindlers and State Lackeys(ragiades), of whatever age, of whatever gender, of whatever social status, of whatever profession, as well as of whatever “ideological” or “party” political affiliation!!!!
In relation now to the Big Scandal or the Financial Dissolution of the Greek Stock Market which was initiated in 1999, I will present a passage from Part E of my series of essays concerning the Greek Crisis of 2012, which describes briefly the “bigger picture” of the economic, political and social parameters, characteristics and side effects of this “financially cataclysmic historical event”, that dismissed the future “stability” and “development” of our country, our own little Greece!!!
In this passage I say the following,’…. Now being more specific and truthful historically, after the “collapse” of the Greek Stock Market in 1999, thousands of small Greek investors were “hijacked” and literally “robbed”, eliminating within a few months all of their life’s savings, while at the same time, a large part of the “reserve funds” held by state insurance institutions and which were invested in a variety of company stocks, especially in state company stocks , under the political persuasion of the Greek Government through the Greek Mass Media “went up in smoke”!!!! The then Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, with the collaboration of his two “closest political chums”, meaning Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Central Bank of Greece, and Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece, tried “every trick in the book” to artificially placate a Stock Market which was “in shambles”, not through circumstance but through “inside dark machinations”….’
‘….Billions of euros in today’s currency(then it was the drachma) were transferred abroad by our own “money mongers” and “embezzlers”, nevertheless, most of that “stolen money” belonging mostly to the small Greek investors “was whisked” outside of the country by “foreign money mongers” and by “foreign embezzlers” who had been closely cooperating with our own “money mongers”, these “so called” local Greek entrepreneurs but also “national traitors”….’.
The Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis(1996-2004) and his Conclave of state and political “partners”, were able to execute their “unpatriotic” and “deceitful” governmental strategies due to the “complacent political support” by Greece’s Parliament, since PASOK held the majority of the seats, through the “active collaboration” of the Greek State Machinery and the Labour Unions of the Civil Service Workers(cliental state), as well as by receiving the economic and political protection and clout from Foreign Power Centres such as the various Executive Bodies of the European Union, the Central Bank of the European Community, Powerful Multinational Banks and International Financial Organizations such as the IMF and the World Bank, which to a large degree are controlled by Private American and European Financial Interests!!! Nevertheless, a crucial internal factor or parameter which “practically” and “institutionally” ensured the social legitimacy and promoted the realization of this “Perverse Government Policy” by Kostas Simitis and his “close political associates”, was the “positive press propaganda” which they were then receiving by most of the Greek Private Mass Media and by the whole of the Greek State Mass Media!!!!
Naturally, the Greek State Mass Media had always been under the direct supervision of the Greek Central Government and had always advertised and reinforced “in one way or another” the main policies and the basic political guidelines of whichever Greek Government, since there was always “in place” a Cliental State which gradually took on “monstrous dimensions”, this after 1981, with the “progressive” Greek Governments of PASOK. Yet at the same time, the Greek Private Mass Media, especially “the private television channels” which were legalized and quickly expanded in the 1990s , aligned themselves with the Governmental Policies of the Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, because there were “a lot of financial benefits” for themselves by maintaining this political stance!!! The various owners of Television Channels who also “happened to be” owners of powerful Greek Daily Newspapers were assigned(without any official state auction) Government Contracts for the Large Public Construction Projects of that time, because these Greek Entrepreneurs who represent the Economic and Social Establishment in this country, also control Large Construction Companies which collaborate with Large Multinational Construction Companies!!!
Responding to a more “advanced type” of a Cliental State, this strong economic and political “affinity” between the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis and the Owners of the Greek Private Mass Media became more “specific” and “exclusive” when they “were granted” these Large Construction Public Projects which were undertaken to a large degree a few years just before the Summer Olympic Games of 2004. Some of these Large Public Works, a few of which we have already mentioned and which had cost then many tens of billions of euros(with the present Greek currency) due to their “over inflated budgets” then, contributed “many chests of gold coins” to all of these “corrupt” local promoters and participants, whether they were Greek Entrepreneurs, Greek Politicians or Greek State Officials, emptying “the state coffers” of the country while also burdening the next generations with “enormous external debts”!!!!
The political influence of the Greek Mass Media, whether the Private or the State Mass Media, functioned in a “dynamic” and “effective” way in supporting the Government Policies of Kostas Simitis, especially with regards to the “set up game” involving the Dismantling and the gradual Collapse of the Greek Stock Market beginning in 1999. It was at this period of time that the Greek Mass Media were reporting in a “persistent” and “forceful” context the propagandistic political announcements of the Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, of Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Central Bank of Greece, of Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece, and of Iannos Papantoniou, then the Greek Minister of Finance; political statements which were directed to the General Greek Public ,informing it that the Greek Economy was “safe” and “sound” and that it is “prerogative” that this Greek Economy should be supported and reinforced by Capital Contributions coming from Greek Society as a whole, urging them “in a way” to utilize the money in their own bank deposits to purchase a variety of bonds and stocks in the Greek Stock Market!!!!
As a logical consequence and in a very short time, the Index of the Greek Stock Market rose very quickly and uncontrollably, reaching 6.350 points, this through a general buying speculation on “fictitious bonds” belonging to “fictitious” Greek Enterprises, these now famous “economic bubbles”, which practically and pragmatically were not “productive” or “profitable” economic units!!! This “distorted” Governmental Economic Propaganda was maintained steadily by the Greek Mass Media even after the initial Collapse of the Greek Stock Market in 1999, which resulted in the “absolute loss” of the money savings of tens of thousands of small Greek investors in just a few months!!!
For Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, and his “mafia clique” of Greek Politicians, of Greek State Officials, as well as of Foreign and Greek Entrepreneurs and Financiers, it was “imperative” at that critical time period to project publicly some type of stability in the Greek Stock Market and naturally of the Greek Economy as a whole, since Kostas Simitis with his political party of PASOK had to appear(virtual reality) as a “strong” and “successful” Greek Political Leader for the next Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2000. In the context of this “ambitious” and “Machiavellian” political strategy of the then Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, utilizing “undemocratic” and “unconstitutional” initiatives and practices, and relying on the “extensive” and “extraordinary” state powers of Lucas Papademos, Governor of the Central Bank of Greece, of Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece, and of Iannos Papantoniou, the Greek Minister of Finance then, raised the Index of the Greek Stock Market “artificially”, by buying “selective bonds”, especially bonds of State Enterprises, using the money of Greek Taxpayers which they kept in their deposit accounts in State Banks, as well as the money from the “capital reserves” of State Insurance Companies!!!!
The Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, wanted “in every which way” to win the following Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2000 with PASOK, being the President of this Greek Parliamentary Political Party, not only because he aspired and strived to prolong his “oligarchic political power” as an Ottoman Feudal Lord of the 18th century, but also due to the fact that at this period of time, meaning between 2000 and 2004, most of the Large Construction Public Projects would have been undertaken, especially for the Summer Olympic Games of 2004. These Enormous Construction Projects would have cost tens of billions of euros, an important part paid by the European Union, and “naturally”, Kostas Simitis, the Greek Prime Minister, was calculating that he himself with his local and foreign “collaborators”, whether entrepreneurs or political figures, to be in the “right position” at the “right time” to share between them this “enormous financial bounty”!!!!
In order to better comprehend the extent of political and social influence exercised by the Greek Mass Media, whether Private or Public Mass Media, by “transmitting”, “legalizing” and “justifying” the Governmental Political Strategy of Kostas Simitis, the Prime Minister of Greece(1996-2004), whose main priorities were the Government’s Economic and Political “intermediary role”(compradors) for the protection and the shielding of all Foreign Interests within the country, while at the same time organizing in a “conspiratorial way” the economic and political “dissipation” and “demise” of the Greek State and the Greek Nation!!! This “unpatriotic” and “subversive” Political Strategy conspired by the Greek Prime Minister, Kostas Simitis, in unison with his own political and state lackeys, his own Conclave, was designed so that Greece as a nation-state and as a society becomes “dysfunctional” and “impotent”, lacking the financial means and the socio-political integrity to challenge effectively and efficiently the various “nationally detrimental” initiatives and actions coming from Foreign Power Centres but also from a substantial section of the Economic and Social Establishment of the country, which had “more in common”(private interests) with Foreign Economic and Political Players as “middlemen”(ragiades) than with their own Homeland, their own Society and their own Nation!!!
Therefore, in order to somewhat expose how “degenerate”, how “sly” and how “unethical” are our own Greek Politicians and Greek State Officials, irrespective of their ideological or political beliefs, we will quote an official economic statement or an “official economic advise” by Theodoros Karatzas, the Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004) which he communicated in an interview which he gave to a reporter in one of Greece’s most powerful and influential Daily Newspapers, “To Vima”(The Tribune), in November of 2000. This, a year after the initial Collapse of the Greek Stock Market resulting directly from a “manipulative financial scheme” initiated and organised by the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis, and a few months before Greece’s Introduction as a permanent member-state within the Economic and Monetary Economic Union(E.E.U.) or the Eurozone, once again through financial “manipulation” and “trickery” by the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis!!! These two “critical historical instances” or these two “critical historical events” occurred so as to “service” the Economic Interests(gold coins) and the Political Ambitions of Foreign Power Centres within the country, and to a lesser degree to “service” these same interests and ambitions of a large section of Greece’s Ruling Class. Both Interest Groups, like two “astute” Economic and Political Partners, “didn’t give a damn” about Greece’s Economic Self-sufficiency, the State’s Political Independence and of course the National Dignity of Greeks!!!
Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004), the most powerful commercial state bank in the country, on the 19th of November, 2000, responding to queries put forward by a reporter of the Greek Daily Newspaper, “To Vima”(The Tribune), advises its Greek Readers, representing to a large degree Greece’s middle class, saying the following,’…The Greek Banking System is not anymore the exclusive manager of the public’s money savings. Therefore, long term capital investment required by enterprises can be drawn directly from the capital markets, a development which enhances the capital structure of enterprises; the success of enterprises in turn, reflect the wider number of their share holdings. An increase in long term capital can not only be achieved through the creation of company shares but also through capital lending in bonds. This second alternative has not been fully utilized due to an imperfect legal structure which has been in place until today, but which will soon be improved. As a consequence, the best allocation of sources of capital for an enterprise assigns substantial value to its share holders. At the same time, those people who invest acquire more choices for long term investments….’.
What is being proposed to the General Greek Public by Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece, just 1 year after the Collapse of the Greek Stock Market in 1999, whether these represent bank depositors or owners of enterprises, demonstrates “clearly” and “absolutely” that he is an “immoral” and an “unpatriotic” political hustler!!! Theodoros Karatzas, in order to reinforce the “national status” of Kostas Simitis as a Greek Political Leader as well as to defend the Prime Minister’s pivotal role as the “top Greek middleman”(ragias) who will defend and protect effectively and efficiently all foreign economic and political interests in his country, he is inviting “once again” the Greek Public, whether bank depositors or entrepreneurs, to invest their money in the Greek Stock Market, even though tens of thousands of Greek Investors in this Stock Market had lost “vast amounts of their own money” just the previous year, this through the “financial machinations” instigated by the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis!!!
Finally, by the year 2006, the Greek Stock Market had been “completely dismantled” and “once again” Greek Citizens who had invested in stocks and bonds in the Greek Stock Market had lost a “large portion” of their own capital savings, thanks to Theodoros Karatzas, the then Governor of the National Bank of Greece(1996-2004) and to all the Greek Politicians and Greek State Officials who supported and defended this “foreign inspired” and “treasonable” Governmental Policy of Kostas Simitis in their Own Country!!!!
To put now “the last touch” to this “rotten”, “seditious” and “dark” picture defining the True Historical Content of the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis(1996-2004), I would like to mention the “historical fact” that just after the Collapse of the Greek Stock Market in 1999, the “unprincipled” and “bipolar” Kostas Simitis, the Prime Minister of Greece then, expressed officially his reaction to the Greek Press and naturally to the Greek Public, by stating that ‘…Greeks should have been more careful…’ , assigning the blame of this “scandalous financial fraud” on the Greek People investing in the Greek Stock Market, especially on those “ignorant small investors”!!!!
Now I ask all of you, “directly” and “objectively”, do Theodoros Karatzas, Governor of the National Bank of Greece, and his “alter ego”, Kostas Simitis, Prime Minister of Greece, deserve “to be spat at” by all of us Greek Citizens??? Yes or No???? Without having any second thoughts, I quickly respond by saying that both these “eminent patriots” and “political scoundrels”, as well as hundreds of other Greek National Traitors belonging to their “inner social circle”, whether Greek Politicians, Greek State Officials or Greek Entrepreneurs, should “simply” be led to the “firing squad” for High Treason, a “legal popular judgement” which has been applied in our own Country since Ancient Times!!!!
Ms. Addy Loudiadis
(a modern Medea, the “terrifying female protagonist” in the Ancient Greek Tragedy of Euripides by the same name)