B’ – The Family, the source of Human Tragedy (a common secret)

I  am 72  years old, and I have lived in 4  different countries with different cultures. I  spent my  early years in Egypt, my  adolescent and my adulthood in Montreal Canada, while I also did 3 years of higher studies in London England. Finally, I  moved to Athens where I spent 25 years. During the last 4 years I have been living in Montreal Canada, in order to supplement my years of residence so as to receive part of my old age pension in Greece. What I want to emphasize here is the fact that during the 72 years of my existence, what has impressed me the most is the ‘’social dystopia’’ and the ‘’spiritual vacuum’’ which encompasses the everyday lives of people, especially in the West. A dystopia which affects all ages and all social classes. Even more important is the fact that the epicenter of this ‘’social dystopia’’ is  to a large degree within the ‘’family unit’’, which theoretically is the social space where one can find solace, a spiritual uplift and an existential stability. It’s the metaphor of the Holy Family as it appears in Christian and Judaic sacred texts. Having worked as a private tutor to…

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A’ — The Family, the source of Human Tragedy (the common secret)

I  want to dedicate this text  to my friend  Christina, who I  have known for more than 50 years, and to my sister  Martha, younger by 3  years. Christina has lived almost all of her life in Montreal , Canada, while my sister has spent her youth in Montreal, Canada, before moving to Athens in 1971, with her mother and our younger sister.

Christina and Martha are in their 60s , they are mothers and grandmothers , they are educated and dynamic, and in theory they are progressive with liberal values.

From a very young age, growing up in Egypt, and after in Montreal, Canada, disposing of great sensibilities and an astute mind, I tried to comprehend the reasons why the majority of the people I knew, were so alienated and distant from feelings of love, eroticism and their imagination.

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Omerta — Eyes wide shut (the epoch of the Cannibals)

Dear  Ms Laura  Ingraham     January 2022

This is the sixth letter that I am writing you, while the two previous ones ,  I have  already posted  on my website, meta-morphosis.gr , as I  shall with this one. These texts or letters to a famous journalist as yourself, provides me with the opportunity to go over some important current issues and information which I believe are noteworthy in the present social chaos that we are living in. Yet, most of the time, this information is  purposefully not given the proper exposure by the mainstream media like the organization you are working for,  which is Fox News.

In this letter,  I want to touch on specific subjects affecting negatively everyday American life, which pragmatically are destabilizing and dismantling all Western societies. Those individuals who are pretending that this is not happening are just  lying  to themselves, living out a ‘’virtual reality’’.

We are all experiencing a ‘’world conspiracy’’ by Globalist elite groups whose aim is to control, subjugate and dehumanize people all over the world through government policy and political propaganda disseminated by the mainstream media in the Western world. This mainstream media to a large extent is controlled by  international  Khazarian Jews, not the authentic Semitic Jews of the Middle East. These world players are the ‘’real enemies’’ of the people as President Trump has suggested in the past.

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Dystopia or a World in disarray

Definitions  — lexico.com

Dystopia   — an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice , typically one that  is  totalitarian or  post-apocalyptic

Utopia     — an imagined place or state  of things in which everything is perfect

Hell    — a  place regarded in various religions as a spiritual realm of evil and suffering

Infernal   —  relating to or characteristic of hell or the underworld

Satanic   — extremely  evil or wicked

Psychopath — a  person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior


Today  around the world, we are witnessing an extraordinary and historic conspiracy by transnational corporations, by central banks and by globalized international organizations like the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the IMF and NATO. These world actors  want  to impose on the world a  ‘’totalitarian corporate’’ political system which would control the everyday life of every person, except the ones who represent the political and economic elite  groups.

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A — Maya Angelou- ‘’Letter to my daughter’’
Book published in 2009 by Penguin Random House
A message of national unity and hope from Maya Angelou(1928-2014) to all Americans
( Maya Angelou is a famous American poet, author and academic)

Chapter 21 — National Spirit

For the past four decades our national spirit and natural joy have ebbed. Our national expectations have diminished . Our hope for the future has waned to such a degree that we risk sneers and snorts of derision when we confess that we are hoping for bright tomorrows.

How have we come so late and lonely to this place? When did we relinquish our desire for a high moral ground to those who clutter our national landscape with vulgar accusations and gross speculations?

Are we not the same people who have fought a war in Europe to eradicate an Aryan threat to murder an entire race? Have we not worked , prayed, planned to create a better world? Are we not the citizens who struggled, marched, and went to jail to obliterate legalized racism from our country? Didn’t we dream of a country where freedom was in the national conscience and dignity was the goal?
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Globalization- the negative social impact on a person living in the West


Before we touch upon the different aspects of everyday life that Globalization affects negatively a person living in the Western World, I should like to present my own perspective of what Globalization entails in a general and universal context.

First of all I believe that the type of Globalization that the entire world is experiencing today, especially in the Western nation-states like the member states of the European Union and the United States, has been designed in a ‘’conspiratorial manner’’ for more than 50 years, by the richest and most powerful groups of people in the world. This cabal of elites are represented by Elite Organizations like the Bilderberg Group, the Committee of 300,the Club of Rome, and the Rockefeller and Rothschild financial dynasties.

These ‘’elite criminal syndicates’’ dominate most of the world’s financial institutions and central banks, as well as the world’s most powerful Masonic Lodges, like Britain’s Grand Lodge of Scotland and America’s Grand Lodge of King David.

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GLOBALIZATION – America for sale

GLOBALIZATION – America for sale

( a letter to Ms. Laura Ingraham, who is a major journalist at the American T.V. outlet Fox News, and who has her own very popular T.V. political program ‘’The Angle’’)

February 2021,

Ms. Laura Ingraham

This is the fourth time I am writing a letter to you in the last 8 months. My last letter I put it up on my website (meta-morphosis.gr) about 2 months ago.

This letter I shall also post on my website with the article I have written related to Donald Trump, Globalization and the ‘’whole sham’’ of the American Presidential Elections of 2020. I wrote this article to expose the fact that the downfall of the United States as a Republic and as an independent nation-state has been organized by the Globalist elites more than 50 years ago. This ‘’conspiracy’’ has been active and ongoing for more than 50 years, always with the full participation of the previous American administrations since the Presidency of Bill Clinton. All of them true American Patriots, like the present ‘’unconstitutional’’ American President Joe Biden.

I am sending you this latest article which is written both in English and in Greek, so that maybe you could pass it on to a Greek friend.

First, I would like to make some critical commentaries with respect to some of your political positions related to the Presidential elections of 2020.

I can clearly remember that about 2 weeks after the elections, in one of your programs in ‘’The Angle’’, you communicated the idea that although there were anomalies in the voting procedures, the American citizens should accept the results and ‘’move on’’. I personally find it ‘’inexcusable’’ after the amount of fraud that occurred revealed by the Republican Party, where Constitutional laws were violated by the Democratic Party, tearing to pieces the Constitution and the American Republic. They want a ‘’one-party’’ corporatist totalitarian government in America. We can clearly witness their plans even today, when more than 40 Presidential Executive Orders have been signed during the first week of the Democratic administration , reversing all of the beneficial social and economic policies introduced by President Trump.

Second, a few weeks ago when you had Ari Fleischer as guest , both of you were critical of negative comments being made concerning the political integrity of the then Attorney General William Barr, as well as the Supreme Justices. William Barr explained officially that he did not think there was such widespread election fraud which could have affected the final results. Similarly, the Supreme Court refused to look into the details of the legal complaints introduced by 6 states , headed by the State of Texas. This after all the information which came out from Republican official legal committees, examining voting irregularities in the Swing States and after hundreds of affidavits collected from witnesses present during the voting procedures.

I believe that both of you defended the ‘’political status quo’’, knowing full well that both in the past were involved politically under the administration of George W. Bush in different capacities. Fleischer was his press- secretary!

Similarly, how can both of you defend the institutional inaction of the Supreme Court with respect to the legal appeals made by Trump’s legal team of extensive voter fraud coming from all directions in the Swing States, implicating almost everyone, from the state courts and governors , to the ‘’average Joe’’, mostly Afro-Americans, who were responsible for overseeing the tabulation of ballots.

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Today’s Globalization – An International Conspiracy by the World’s Rich and Powerful

C –  Political   Globalization


Afro-Americans under American Imperialism

IV – Afro-Americans in American Combat Forces


We shall now examine the role and the official status of Afro-Americans as combatants in American military campaigns , both within and outside the United States of America.

We are writing a special article for this particular theme concerning the history of Afro-Americans, whether as slaves or as free American citizens, because it provides us with the opportunity to reflect upon and examine ‘’racism’’ as it manifested itself within the American military forces , as well as from government policy coming from Washington or from the military high command.

Afro-Americans have fought for the United States throughout its history, sacrificing their lives and their well-being in defending and supporting a country and a nation that has denied them ‘’equal basic rights’’ and ‘’social opportunities’’ , similar to those enjoyed by White American citizens. We shall examine every military campaign or conflict where Afro-Americans have directly participated as military combatants or as supportive military personnel, extracting facts and details of their officially prescribed role and status. The official treatment of Afro-Americans as ‘’second class citizens’’, who were officially considered as individuals with ‘’inferior’’ mental and moral capacities, able to fulfill the role of an effective and trustworthy military combatant.

We will begin with the American Revolutionary War( 1775-1783), where the settlers of the American colonies fought the British military forces to achieve political independence , up to America’s war in Iraq(2003-2011), which reinforced American geo-political dominance in the Middle East.

A very clear and objective indicator reflecting the ‘’enormous official discrepancy’’ between an Afro-American combatant and a White American combatant is the military institution of the ‘’Congressional Medal of Honor’’ , which represents the highest military award given for military duty and accomplishment.

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Today’s Globalization- An International Conspiracy by the World’s Rich and Powerful

C.- Political Globalization


b) The First Nations of North America and Afro-Americans under American Imperialism


Afro-Americans under American Imperialism


I — Introduction

As I was reading through the various statistics , documents and essays concerning the history of Afro-Americans since their arrival as African slaves in North America beginning in the 17th century , I could not but feel the same human disgust for European colonialist and later on American colonialist policy with respect to what Native Americans had experienced in their own history, as First Nations, within their own native territories of thousands of years.

As a Greek person, I personally feel uneasy and politically alienated for belonging to a European political culture with its ‘’supposedly’’ democratic political ideals and Christian humanistic values, and why not , I feel distraught for being part of ‘’modern human civilization’’, which for the last 6,000 years, has devoted most of its human energy and potential in accumulating and consuming irrationally the earth’s natural resources to the physical and spiritual detriment of his own specie and to the physical destruction and poisoning of his natural environment which keeps his specie alive. The ‘’modern’’ and ‘’evolved’’ human specie has shown itself to be dysfunctional and in disharmony with respect to all other living organisms; reinforcing a self-destructive and nihilistic human evolution which will naturally end with his own ‘’extinction’’ , as it had occurred in the past with the dinosaurs.

The history of the Afro-Americans during the last 400 years, is essentially the story of Black Slavery originating in the continent of Africa beginning in the 16th century, and which represented a major historical factor in Western Imperialism and Globalization, economic, political and cultural. Black Slavery controlled by Western European Powers, represented a critical economic component to Western Globalization, and especially American Globalization within the Western Hemisphere. Therefore, if we are to better understand American Globalization and the socio-political and economic status of   Afro-Americans today, we should begin our analysis with the socio-economic institution of Black Slavery as it evolved in North America from the 17th century.

In the first section of our article on Afro-Americans, we will first examine the various aspects of Black Slavery as it was introduced and applied in North America since the 17th century, throughout the American colonies and later on in the United States of America when it was founded as an independent nation-state in 1776. We will then examine official American government policy with respect to the civil status of Afro-Americans till the present day. Finally, in this section of our article, we shall look into at the involvement, the contribution and the civil status of African-Americans as fighting or military combatants within the defence apparatus of the American colonies and consequently , within the American Armed Forces. The civil status of Afro-Americans as regular soldiers or combatants, is a very accurate historical indicator to their socio-political status and their civil rights within this North American geopolitical entity and its political culture during the last 400 years.

We shall now note down definitions of political terms and concepts which I believe are relevant with respect to our article on the historical experience of Afro-Americans during the last 350 years.

They are the following:

Apartheid – a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com)

Colonialist – a person who supports the practice of gaining political control over other countries and occupying them with settlers (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com)

Authoritarian – favouring or enforcing strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com)

Oligarchy – a small group of people having control of a country or organization (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com)

Ethnocentric – evaluating other cultures according to perceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com)

White supremacist – one who believes that white people are racially superior to others and should therefore dominate society (www.thefreedictionary.com)

Racism – prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com)

Lynching – putting a person to death by mob action without due process of law (www.thefreedictionary.com)

Assimilation –assimilation, in anthropology or sociology is the process whereby individuals or groups of differing ethnic heritage are absorbed into the dominant culture of a society (https://en.oxforddictionaries.com)

Segregation – the enforced separation of different racial groups in a country , community or establishment (www.collinsdictionary.com)

Social Integration – the combination of previously segregated social facilities into a non-segregated system (www.collinsdictionary.com)

Political Culture – Political Culture is defined by the International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences as ‘the set of attitudes , beliefs and sentiments that give order and meaning to a political process and which provide the underlying assumption and rules that govern behavior in the political system (https://en.wikipedia.org)

We shall now register personal observations by three Afro-American political leaders who greatly influenced the socio-political evolution of Afro-Americans during the 20th century. These political protagonists provided Afro-American society with the ideological and social guidelines to define its historical identity within American society, as well as the political tools to promote their own civil rights and socio-economic interests within the United States of America.

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A Eulogy – a few words concerning the tragic death of a young person, victim of an inhuman and dysfunctional society

The name of the young person is Orpheus( a pseudonym). He was 24 years old until a few weeks ago (April 2019), when his body was found on one of the beaches of Attica, near Athens. His relatives and the police were searching for him for 2 days. He had been going through another psychological crisis, the confusion of an inner desolation, the psychotic fear of personal persecution and the fragmentation of his identity as a living human being.
I know Orpheus since he was a baby, as well as his older brother. I became friends with their parents before the children were born, when I was living in London , doing my Ph.D. between 1983 and 1986.

For many years, I had predicted that Orpheus would eventually commit suicide, because he was a very sensitive and quiet person, with the physical appearance of a tall slim pale angel who from the start of his existence had been living with two ‘’immoral’’ and ‘’sinister’’ parents. They wanted him a broken and passive individual, a pretty toy to play with, who would shield them from their distorted phantasies, their sick fixation on wealth and their own childhood nightmares. They were eating the flesh of their children so that they wouldn’t consume their own, exactly like the primitive Neanderthals. This is a common social stigma in most Greek families, beginning with my own Greek family, the families of my Greek relatives, and those of my Greek friends and Greek acquaintances.

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