Personal verses inspired by today’s Greek Reality (N)

Women are fickle and men are jerks-the archetypes of Eve and Adam in the Old Testament!!!

The persons who strive for money, are cowards and existentially impotenet!!!

Being always secure, you have no real life and you really do not progress!!!

Many men with no families, but also with families, pay young people,boys and girls, to have sex with them. This should be shameful to all of us!!!

The priests, the lawyers, the doctors, the politicians, the businessmen, all ‘’do their own thing’’. You, what do you really do?

Many children to day, go to psychologists, psychiatrists and to speech therapists, while they are also taking many anti-depressant drugs. Who is responsible for this tragic social situation? Maybe, the real cause is the family environment?

I never took people seriously. More the adults than the young ones!!!

Many Greek men and many Greek women cheat on their partners. It is part of their virtual reality!!!

Our politicians are ‘’scoundrels’’, as our clergy!!!

Our Church, our priests and our monks, ‘’are putting us on’’, because they know all about ‘’our dirty laundry’’!!!

Almost everyone walking on the street, moves like ‘’ a mechanical robot’’. Why is that ?

The European Union has been dismantling us politicaly and economically for many years . We, all of us ‘’play ignorant’’ for many years, especially our political parties, who been sold out’’ to the European Oligarchs and their political commissars.!!!

This type of personal arrogance will destroy you in the end!!!

I meet a lot of crazy people ‘’ who are on the brink’’!!!

The Truth is both revolutionary and liberating!!!