Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part H)



When parents maintain that they love all their children equally, they are lying!!!

You played society’s “virtual games” and you are losing!!! I personally, have never played these games!!!

I am living reality!!! What about you???

Everything has been well set up, yet nothing is working!!!

Yes to our personal survival, but not with whatever means and at whatever price!!!

Everything comes and goes!!!

I am present, what about you???

I love everyday social challenges!!!

Stop playing your everyday futile games!!! Be a little more serious because life is very short!!!

The “tattoos” on your human skin reveal to me that you are a truly liberated person!!!

I have always allied myself with the Weakest!!!


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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part F)


There is no need for you to justify yourself Socially(Social Image), you simply have to be true to yourself and authentic!!!

You always wanted it, then why didn’t you go for it!!!!

In the end , most of you are very cowardly!!! What a pity for all of you!!!

I constantly participate in Real Life. I never stop nor back down!!!!

The many everyday Human Lies are the origin of everyday Human Madness!!!

Today, all of Humanity is experiencing an Existential Distortion to its Natural Evolution!!!

Do you actually believe that Money can Save you????

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part G)


There is no reason for you to die because you are already dead!!!

I cannot pretend ignorance to what is really happening around me!!!

The personal affairs of most people are to a large extent very boring and senseless!!!

Most people who I personally know do not want to change in order to save themselves!!!

Your virtual everyday games are almost at an end!!!

Whatever you contrive, you won’t escape Life’s checks and balances!!!

All the lies you pay for in this life!!!!

You will experience what you have really chosen in Life!!!

I am bored with Human Stupidity and Human Conceit!!!!

What you really wish is written down and cannot be scratched off!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part E)


You want to evolve as an individual???? Then, you will have to tell “hard truths”, first of all to your Own Self and then to the people around you!!!

As I grow older, I feel more impatient about Social Change and for something New in Life!!!!

You seek your own easy accommodation in Life, not necessarily the General Progress of your own Society!!!!

Happiness is not a mechanical nightingale, but a real nightingale!!!!

I witness around me many terrifying things but also some enchanting things!!!!

We cannot continue the same way!!!!

Since childhood, you have learned only how to take and not how to give!!! How unhappy and miserable you all must be!!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality. (Part D)

You always think of the “sinister side” of things, that is how you have been taught since you were young!!!! What “a great tragedy” for You !!!!

In the end, you don’t trust anyone, not even Your Own Self!!!

That is how I learned since childhood, just a simple excuse on your own part!!! Now it is time to reconsider and revaluate things in order to save Yourself!!!!

Have most of You “taken conscience” of the fact that you have “practically dismantled” Your Own Children, spiritually, physically and psychologically???

You desire money, property and material goods!!! I desire Life!!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part B)


Money like gold are human idols, and I don’t believe in idols!!!

You persist time and time again, trying to “overreach” Life. You should have realized by now that this is impossible!!!

I have stopped being fearful of “the unpredictable”!!!!

You are “really trapped” within your own “virtual reality”!!!

All of you, what Clowns you really are!!!!

Our Historical Memory is the most powerful opponent to Today’s Western Globalization!!!

You are constantly lying!!! Aren’t you tired of this????

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part C)



Lower your Tone and your own Conceit because Life will obliterate you!!!!

I would like to ask my 3 Sisters if we ever had “a common point of reference” in Life!!!!

What have my eyes seen and what have my ears heard!!!

Mad and corrupt “people” rule over Us and dominate Our Lives!!! We well deserve it!!!

I cannot take you seriously anymore!!!

Human Creativity has nothing to do with Human Organization; it is just Simple Everyday Human Inspiration!!!

I have very positive thoughts about you yet you are constantly having bad feelings about me!!!

All of you “masters” and “mistresses” of Human Society are but just “sick” and “dysfunctional” personalities!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part Α)


There is “no real guarantee” through “the checks and balances” of Life. I promise you this!!!

You have “enough money”, yet you are a miserable person!!!

Your “dark feelings” are all yours for the taking!!!

Our everyday life is starting to look like a TV serial!!!

I am sick and tired of hearing “good will wishes” and “sweet nothings” from people who don’t really mean them!!!

You will soon buckle, there is no other way!!!

It is not “fat words” that bring salvation, but creative acts!!!

We cannot constantly give excuses, it is stupid!!!

I don’t want them to “love” me, but to “respect” me!!!

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