Today’s Virtual Reality – The destruction of the Human Being

Virtual  Reality is an everyday reality which is not based on the dialectic criteria of human evolution, but is based on an artificial construct of human existence.

Virtual Reality has been prevalent in everyday  human activities since the beginning of human civilization, it was a social tool to create and maintain a false consciousness of societal coherence and unity. It was also a universal human conspiracy to maintain and propagate the established social status of the privileged and the powerful over the majority of the population. This is a social characteristic in almost every society.

In primitive societies where a social consensus was critical in maintaining a certain degree of homogeneity , there were very few social distinctions or differences, whether political or economic, everyone had to contribute equally to ensure human survival. The common goal for everyone was material subsistence and the protection of life for everyone, since every member of society was an essential social component and actor. There was no surplus of manpower and goods to provide and promote  any social distinctions.

Primitive societies had a subsistence economy, adequate or sufficient most of the time to ensure the welfare and survival of each community.

The forces of nature affected equally each individual and there were no privileged human entities, privileged and protected by  the forces of nature or those metaphysical entities or divinities representing these natural forces.

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The ‘’death cult’’ in Canada today – a controlled corporatist police state, run by Globalist Elites like Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau (conclusion from a personal experience during my hospitalization for Covid 19 on July 2022, in a large Canadian hospital in Montreal, Canada)

It was an ordinary night, having my supper at home, when suddenly I felt very weak. It tried to stand up but then I buckled and fell on the floor backwards. It was like an electric shock going through my whole body, losing control of my limbs and falling down. I felt almost paralyzed and I could not even stand up. It was as if  I  had entered another dimension, where everything around me seemed different and shadowy. For me it was a new type of life experience.

Here I have to mention that before taking my supper, I took an afternoon nap  where I  saw many strange hallucinations , which I previously experienced only once 7 months before.  It wasn’t a dream, because in both instances I could remember details of these hallucinations for a long time after. I have to emphasize here that I do not take any drugs or medication, and  I  also do not consume strong alcohol. Similarly, I have never had  any mental issues or have been to a psychiatrist.

Going back to my story, I want to specify that when I felt that electric shock and tried to stand up, I fell  backwards and knocked down the garbage bin which was right behind me. I couldn’t  stand up and  didn’t have the physical strength to control my limbs. I crawled on the floor, and slowly reached for my phone and called my Chinese landlady to help me.

When she came up to the apartment, because she lives on the floor below, she called for an ambulance. At this point , I have to go back in time and explain the fact that  once my landlady Mrs. Lee saw me in this strange condition, she went and brought me some nourishment to energize me. She gave me  3 hard boiled eggs, fruit juice and a glass of milk. She treated me as her own son and I am very grateful to her.

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Personal Comments and Impressions (E)

The  Social Chaos  Today

a– Personal verses inspired by the social chaos which we see  around the world today

1 —  You don’t know what life is all about because they didn’t let you live.

2 – You may hold all the cards but I have the last say .

3 – Concerning the ‘’fake vaccines’’ for  the pandemic of Covid 19, I would never have believed how stupid and gullible people could be.

4 –How come you are still complaining that nobody understands you ?

5 –Society’s  satanic establishment wants to convince us  that we are not able to change the quality of our lives.

6 –As we use our I-phones   to convince ourselves that we are living a normal social life, the more our existence would turn into a clown world.

7 –In your virtual existence you cannot cope with everyday reality and truths.

8 –I know that you are addicted to money and your daily routines , but these are exactly what are driving you crazy.

9 –You pretend that you cannot understand what is happening around you, but until when?

10 –Why did you abandon the child within you?

11 –Your life is just a moment in space, but an eternity in the cosmos.

12 –We are living our lives with lies, and we are destroying our lives with lies.

13 –You are dead , but you don’t know it .

14 –How can you take seriously the ‘’clown world’’ that the mainstream media is feeding you every day?

15—Give me a break with all this nonsense about climate warming. Be serious!!!

16 –You don’t like objective truths because they destroy your virtual reality.

17 –For your own salvation , it’s time you confronted your own grim everyday reality.

18 –I am at the  epicenter of life and the universe because I am free.

19 –Do you know where you are heading and what you really want?

20 –I’ll make you a bet that you will never be satisfied with life, so why all the anxiety?

21 –You say everything is fine!! How come?

22 –I  want to hear some self-criticism !!!



The New World Order—A Jewish Khazarian Criminal  Syndicate controlling the West


We are living in a metaphysical dimension where everything is set up by dark forces who want to destroy most of humanity and acquire hegemony over all societies.

I cannot find a rational explanation at the extent and at the speed whereby during the last 150 years and more, the Globalist elites have been able to obstruct or undermine any type of normal existence in every society. This is unique historically and that is why I have to attempt an unorthodox analysis.

The Globalist elites who are mostly  Khazarian Jews, not Semitic Jews, have succeeded in transforming and controlling politics, culture, finance and information worldwide , to serve their satanic monopolistic interests at the expense of the freedoms and welfare of human beings.

They have been able to accomplish this , especially in the Western world, by buying off the consciousness of decision making actors or by blackmailing them. You either cede to their directives and prosper or you are eliminated from society.

A good historical paradigm of this conspiratorial hegemonic strategy is the creation or the founding of the European Union more than 40 years ago, which has evolved into the hub of globalism, quietly installing a totalitarian corporatist form of government, putting their own non-elected people in decision making positions in the various European commissions, superseding the national governments of the individual member state countries.

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Personal Comments and Impressions (D)

(The following are my commentaries on  Social Issues, Current Events, Concepts  and also Personal Impressions of people and everyday life)

No News is Good News

a) A  letter to the  Editors of the  British magazine  ‘’The New  Statesman’’


July  2021,

Dear  Editors,

This is the second letter that I am writing to your magazine, the first one I  sent in  August of 2020, which  I  am including part of the text so you will be reminded of the content.

The first letter dealt with the current event subject of  Meghan Merkle and  Prince  Harry, which  I  published it on my website(, knowing full well that you wouldn’t make any editorial reference to it in the section of your magazine where you allow commentaries from your readers to be partially printed.

The sad aspect concerning your  editorial integrity and its professionalism is that you didn’t even sent me a typical notice of  the reception of the letter, even though I had informed you that I have been keeping my own website for 15 years, writing articles both in English and Greek.

I will therefore print once again a section of the letter I  sent you  in  August 2020, which provides me with the opportunity for my readers not only to assess what  I have already commented on , but to also evaluate your  integrity as an important progressive magazine in the West.


Part of the letter  goes as follows:


August 2, 2020

Dear  Editors,

I   rarely  write  letters to newspapers, magazines or T.V. networks, but  I did exactly that a long time ago, during the illegal American war campaign in  Iraq in 2003, where more than half-a-million Iraqi citizens died and many thousands of Iraqi and  American soldiers.

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Personal Comments and Impressions!!! (C)

(The following are my commentaries on Social Issues, Current Events, Concepts and also Personal Impressions of people and everyday life)
SIGN OF THE TIMES- Three letters

The ‘’dark affair’’ of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
(a letter sent to the ‘’New Statesman’’, a progressive British magazine)

August 2, 2020

Dear editors,

I rarely write letters to newspapers, magazines or T.V. networks, but I did exactly that a long time ago , during the illegal American war campaign in Iraq in 2003, where more than half-a-million Iraqi citizens died and many thousands of Iraqi and American soldiers.

I have my own personal non-profit website, which I have maintained for more than 15 years, writing articles both in English and in Greek. The articles mainly focus on subjects related to popular culture, history and politics. The letter that I am sending you, I shall post it on my website soon. The name of my website is and is anonymous.

I am writing this letter to express my strong opinion concerning this whole ‘’dark affair’’ related to recent developments involving Meghan Markle and her husband Prince Harry. First of all, because it brings me back to the tragic and suspicious death of Princess Dianna, as well as the fact that I feel great distain for all those elite groups who control our destinies and poison our lives for their own personal social, political and economic interests.

There is in place today, a wide range of power elite groups around the world, from the people who run the multinational corporations and multinational banks, to international organizations such as the United Nations, the I.M.F and the Council on Foreign Relations, to your ‘’everyday’’ plutocratic masonic societal entities like the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, the Rothschild dynasty and the British Royal Family of the Windsor House. These are just some of the representative centers of power whose aims and ambitions are to control absolutely humankind in a uniform and globalized way.

Now coming to the British political affair concerning Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, deciding to distance themselves from the ‘’tight deadly grip’’ of Queen Elizabeth and her ‘’royal court’’ of aristocrats, bankers and international merchants, I have the following to say:

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Welcome to Meta-morphosis!

Welcome to our new web site!

The focus of the site is to acknowledge that there is creative greatness in human thought and feelings when these are expressed in a simple format but with a great love and respect towards the infinite dimensions of reality, visible and invisible, rational and irrational.

These thoughts and feelings can become today the essential creative instruments in protecting and defending the beauty and sanctity of all existence.



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Today’s Globalization – An International Conspiracy by the World’s Rich and Powerful

C – Political Globalization


Afro-Americans under American Imperialism

III – The Formal and Informal American government policy towards Afro-Americans

Before we begin our description of American governance with respect to Afro-Americans, I would like to clarify the distinction I have made between “formal’’ and ‘’informal’’ American government policy.

One could say that a ‘’formal government policy’’ is the one which coincides , transmits and applies to the political ideals that are reflected in European Enlightenment(1715-1789), which were adopted and defended by the Founding Fathers of the United States, those who drafted the American Constitution. Any American government policy and any American political institution not conforming to these political axioms which make up the ideological core of America’s Constitutional Democracy, should be classified as ‘’informal’’ and ‘’illegitimate’’ human constructs, as ‘’political hybrids’’.

In the American Declaration of Independence which was adopted by all American colonies on July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson(1743-1826), who drafted in it the political ideals of America’s Founding Fathers, inserted the tenets that, ‘’…We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by the Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men , deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…’’.(p.17, Freedom, a history of U.S., Hakim, Joy, Oxford University Press, 2003)

These political tenets of the Declaration of Independence were the ideological concepts of those European thinkers who had promoted European Enlightenment during the 18th century , like Jean-Jacques Rousseau(1712-1778), Voltaire(1694-1778), Adam Smith(1723-1790) and Immanuel Kant(1724-1804). Their intellectual teachings had produced a cultural upheaval in Western Civilization, leading to the founding of the United States in 1776, the French Revolution(1789-1799), the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789, and the creation of the modern nation-state which was based on a Constitutional Democracy, the first one being the First French Republic(1792-1804).

If we now examine American history, we observe that since the founding of the United States in 1776, as a Constitutional Democracy, there have been critical political indicators and   everyday societal realities of institutional and ideological digressions in relation to the universal humanistic and democratic values of the American Declaration of Independence of 1776 and the American Constitution, the last ratified by every American state legislature in 1788.

In the Declaration of the Rights of Man, approved by the Revolutionary National Assembly of France on August 26,1789, Article 16 notes that,’’…A society in which the observance of the law is not assured, nor the separation of powers defined , has no constitution at all…’’. ( Taking into consideration this Article 16, we could easily say that during the history of the United States, there have been a multitude of distortions and digressions of the democratic tenets of the American Constitution and the American Declaration of Independence at all levels of policy-making.Starting from the civil rights of American citizens to American foreign policy which has to have the consent of both Houses of Congress(House of Representatives, Senate) , if war is initiated on another country. One could therefore conclude, that the American government, both at the federal and state level, has functioned many times as if there was no constitution, as if the United States was not a Constitutional Democracy!!!

Martin Luther King Jr. (1929 -1968 ) in his autobiography, tries to explain objectively the institutional and political contradictions which exist in America’s political culture , between the democratic political guidelines of a Constitutional Democracy and actual government policy towards its citizens, especially its Afro-American citizens. Martin Luther King emphasizes that ,’’…We cannot have an enlightened democracy, with one great group living in ignorance. We cannot have a healthy nation with one-tenth of the people ill-nourished , sick, harboring germs of disease which recognize no color line –obey no Jim Crow laws. We cannot have a nation orderly and sound with one group so ground down and thwarted that it is almost forced into unsocial attitude and crime…’’.(p.9, The autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr., edited by Clayborne Carson, Warner Books 1998)

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Personal Comments and Impressions!!! (B)

(The following are my commentaries on Social Issues, Current Events, Concepts and also Personal Impressions of people and everyday life)

Suggestions for a better everyday life

I have a French Canadian friend here in Montreal, Canada, who is a psychologist, but whose psychoanalytic treatment is somewhat different from the traditional ones. Pauline emphasizes more on the spirituality of her patients than on their psychology or psyche.

She gives talks to small groups of people related to the quality of everyday life in all of its dimensions. She therefore asked me if I could provide her with some suggestions for her lectures, which I will outline here in this article.

The original text was written in French so I shall present its English translation as well as the original French text.

The translated text goes as follows:


My dear   Pauline,

I am sending you the list.

For improving our everyday life, you should

1 –Sleep a minimum of 9 hours a day, 1,5 hours during the afternoon and 7,5 hours during the night.

2 –Transform gradually your everyday routines.

3 –Use your imagination.

4 –Not live only for the expectations of society, the family and friends.

5 –Contribute towards the needs of the young and the elderly who feel alone and isolated.

6 –Feel empathy for everyone as a whole.

7 –Express and apply your own reality even if it goes against the norms of society.

8 –Discover and utilize the metaphysical aspects within yourself and within your environment, such as dreams, intuition, symbols and instinct.

9 –Not take seriously society’s norms and roles, since they are artificial and superficial human creations.

10 –Always occupy yourself with a creative activity which represents you as talent and personality.

11 –Explore and understand the reasons and the causes for your insecurities.

12 –Think about the factors which affect the quality of life of all of humanity, and try through your mode of life to neutralize its negative and destructive effects.

13 –Not take seriously the outmoded institutions of society, since they were created to serve the interests of a very small minority of people who are schizophrenic, destructive and self-destructive.

14 –Get to know through travels, studies, readings and free discussion, the different cultures and their philosophic truths. Human society has many social truths, like the snow crystals in nature.


The following is the original French text that I sent to my psychologist friend by email

Ma chère Pauline,

Je t’envoie ma liste.

Pour améliorer notre vie quotidienne :

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