The Greek crisis of 2012-a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part A)

The Greek crisis of 2012-a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival) (Part A).

It has been more than a year since I have written anything in my site, the reason being that I have been experiencing the “dark psyche” of a whole society, the Greek Society, which in essence is longing for its own dissolution and its own “termination”, schematically but also structurally. I have come to this conclusion as I have confirmed that the greater part of the Greek peoples are not willing, even today, to function in unison and communally so as to promote in their own country a real political, social and national consciousness. All the signs in everyday Greek life show me that Western Enlightenment of the 18th century, hasn’t yet touched the souls, the minds and the everyday activities of the Greek peoples, maintaining to a large degree the social habits and the social prototypes of an Ottoman province of the 18th century.

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Some views from a reader concerning the relations of Aristotle Onassis with his “sole” son Alexander, and naturally my written response.

I have chosen to publish a message from a reader(anonymously) of my Internet site as well as my response because this provides me with the opportunity to clarify some of my life-positions not social positions which I have come to support relative to the “real identity” of Modern Man evolving through 7,000 years of human civilization. A human civilization which begins with the establishment of the first well organized human communities( permanent building settlements, a surplus of basic food commodities through a well coordinated agriculture and husbandry, work specialization and a certain socio-political hierarchy) until the present time. Within this time-passage of “civil human existence” and evolution, Modern Man has proven that he commands those biological abilities and capacities to “achieve great things” in the “real sense” of these few words. This “real sense” of human achievement has nothing to do with exercising power over other human beings and over nature, with a human technology which destroys all types of life, with human undertakings glorifying the Human Specie as the “epicenter” of earthly existence but also of the Universe, or finally, it has nothing to do with the accumulation of material wealth at the expense of the quality of life of all, of human beings as well as of all living creatures which exist on this “beleaguered planet” which we Humans call Earth!!!

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Aristotle Onassis – an ideal type of a modern “Neanderthal”- Epilogue (f)

(I dedicate this part of my article which talks about the final days of young Alexander Onassis to all my former Greek students, male and female, who today are playing the fools in their everyday lives, pretending not to understand what is happening around them. Too bad for them!!!)

Starting this part of our article on Aristotle Onassis, which provides more details concerning the “real circumstances” and the “real data” in relation to the airplane “accident” which cost the life of Alexander Onassis, we want to once again present the “official memorandum” of the expert technical findings which was introduced by the High Magistrate of Athens, Mr. Stephanos Matthias, who later on became President of the Supreme Court of Greece. It is a brief technical assessment produced through “consensus” by the three “legal” and “official” parties involved in the aeronautics technical investigation of the airplane “accident” which killed Alexander Onassis. These three “legal” and “official” parties were the Committee for Accident Investigation of Greece’s Civil Aviation, the Committee for Flight Security of Greece’s Military Aviation and British aeronautics technical expert, Mr. Adam Hunter, who represented legally the interests of Aristotle Onassis in the Greek courts. This “court document” which was made officially public in   July of 1973, formulated the following evaluations concerning the “real causes” for the specific airplane “accident”. It specifies that,”…there was an abnormality to the normal functions of the airplane’s steering gears which was caused by reversing the connecting wires to these steering gears(external wires because of the old construction of this particular amphibian aircraft). Other direct causes which contributed to the accident were the improper upkeep and inspection carried out by those responsible for maintenance services, as well as through negligence by the pilot(meaning Alexander Onassis) to detect the reverse placing of the connecting wires to the steering gears before flight inspection…”(trans. from greek) (p.3.

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Aristotle Onassis – an ideal type of a modern “Neanderthal”- Epilogue (e)

As we have mentioned already in the previous part of our article on Aristotle Onassis, his only son, Alexander Onassis, a few months before his death due to an airplane “accident” which occurred at the international airport of Athens, had announced “officially” to his father that he would soon be leaving Olympic Airlines and that he would be marrying Fiona Thyssen, “shacking” up together in the new house they had bought in Western Europe. Alexander Onassis wanted desperately to rid himself of his father’s “unbearable” psychological pressures and manipulations, discovering an “antidote” in the real love relationship he had created with the rich, dynamic and liberated Fiona Thyssen, who was 16 years olde r(p.1.

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Some thoughts for the beginning of our New Year (2011)

About a month ago, and more exactly on Saturday night, November 20th 2010, at 2 o’clock in the morning, I went to bed to sleep, to feel at peace and at ease, ridding my soul and my mind of all those toxic inputs of everyday life in Greece such as the psychic miserable ness of its peoples and my peoples, the impersonal human communication, the void in the eye-expression of young people, but more importantly the absolute human inaction and lack of human initiative in front of a multiple of critical impasses, whether economic, social or cultural, which all of us “adult” Greeks have contributed to, “in one form or another”, making it a truly “Greek Tragedy”.

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The Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2009; a mirror-image of the present “Political Culture” of the country. (Part D)

To be able to better understand the present “chaotic” situation in Greece’s “Political Culture”, we would first have to record, clarify and then analyze the “real events”, political, social and economic which contributed towards the liberation of part that country’s territory (Central Greece, Peloponnesus, the Cycladic Islands in the Aegean Sea) from Ottoman rule, leading to the creation of the first modern Greek nation-state in 1830. What becomes evident early on, is the fact that most of the “official” Greek Historiography which refers to Greece’s struggle for Independence( in essence initiated late in the 18th century), withholds or ignores purposefully all the historical data which demonstrates a lack of a “common” national consciousness and fighting spirit by the majority of the “protagonists” of the Revolution against Ottoman political tyranny which had lasted for almost 400 years.

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The Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2009; a mirror-image of the present “Political Culture” of the country (Part C)

I dedicate this part of the article to my friend Phedros(see previous article entitled “The psychological state of the young today”) and to my former female and male students who tend to focus so much on social “conventions” and “details”(see facebook and narcissism) because they are afraid to live freely, truthfully and really erotically(the instinct with deep inspiration), that is why they are a very unhappy people. Life does not forgive “pretensions”. Once, the Irish writer Oscar Wilde said that “…details are the vulgar aspect of life…”. I believe that he was right!!!

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Aristotle Onassis – an ideal type of a modern “Neanderthal” – Epilogue (d)

Alexander Onassis, the only son of Aristotle Onassis and Athina(Tina) Livanos, was born in New York on the 20th of April 1948 and died on the 23rd of January 1973 in Athens, at the age of 24, after an airplane “accident”; most probably as a result of an organized attempt against his life and as a consequence of his father’s unlimited ambitions to reign supreme in the international business world as well as within his own family. Later on, we shall attempt as much as can be possible, to determine what exactly happened during this tragic day at the Athens’s airport and what may have been the possible causes for Alexander’s early death.

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Virtual Reality (Quote)

“Life is reality not "virtual" reality. "Virtual" reality is a lie, while life is pure magic” Alexander II

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