Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part S)

What do you prefer??? Appearances or content ???

My point of reference is Life not Society!!!

The love of money, kills the soul but also the body!!!

Our everyday routines encroach on and violate our own good disposition!!!

You have colluded with the Devil, but be sure that the Devil will always be by your side!!!

Really now, aren’t you fed up with your own “virtual reality”!!!

I am living the Void in a society which yearns for the Void!!!

You are not able to love because you have forgot how to love yourself and Life!!!

When we are all together, enjoying ourselves, and you keep on using your I-phone , you are being “disrespectful” and “a moron”!!!

Today, Greek Society is recycling!!! Let us see who can endure this!!!

In essence, our problems are not economic but existential!!!

Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists are today “making a bundle”, but with what results???

Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists should start telling some basic truths to their “customers” and not feed them with toxic chemicals!!!

Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists should ask themselves if they chose this profession for “the gold coins” or to help human beings!!!

Where is our “very holy” Greek Orthodox Church in these trying times the Greek peoples are living??? No more prayers!!!

When will the Greek peoples find an honest, sensitive and pragmatic politician???

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part R)

I  want to  feel  alive and free, not subordinated!!!

Life  has  very  little to  do  with  personal  calculations,  but  with  moments!!!

You  play  many  games  with  Life, and  naturally  Life  will  punish you  for  this!!!

Today, almost  all  human beings find  themselves in  “an existential impasse”!!!

I  pass on “the  messages”, but  if  you  pretend  that  you  cannot  understand  them, it’s your  problem!!!

Thick skinned  and  ambitious  people    are  the  ones  who  prosper  socially, yet  what  type of  life  do these  people lead???

They  unmask themselves every  single day, yet  this  never affects them!!!

The  Jews  for  2,500 years,  collect wealth for  their  own personal security!!! Nevertheless, History has  shown  that this “existential formula” is  null and  void!!!

When  you are true, you are different, and  when you  are  different, most people  cannot tolerate you!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part O)

Nothing in life is accidental!!!

There is no escape!!! You have to face this and find a solution!!!

Greek Peoples do not want to accept the fact that in real earthly existence, nothing is permanent and nothing is certain!!!

All those individuals who are unbalanced and corrupt should remain silent and stop playing the roles of protectors and guides!!!

For Greek Peoples, the process of self-criticism is “anathema”!!! A major factor for our lack of evolution to a Modern, Creative and Free Society!!!

Most people have sacrificed their chance for a creative life in one way or another!!! They simply do not want to accept it!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part O)

At this moment in your life you are bartering your own soul and your human identity!!! Think about it!!!

You are carrying many obsessions and guilt feelings, all for nothing!!!

Years now I have been trying to find a remedy for “everyday human folly”, and I don’t mean a remedy with “psychiatrists” and “anti-depressant pills”!!!

I laugh with Humankind when I observe “the antics” in the political and social happenings of the United States!!!

The Human Subconscious has turned everything “upside down” in the everyday lives of people!!!

I consider it an “existential blunder” and a “hypocritical stance” when most people routinely say that “they are fine” or that “they feel just great”!!!

You will have to live with your own Self!!! I think that in your case it is the best punishment!!!

You don’t want to love yourself, that is the reason why you have never loved others, you simply pretend!!! What a shame!!!

Everyone with his own conscience!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part N)

Be more serious!!!

I have never kissed hands or asses!!!

Globalization, Virtual Reality, Depression and Human Madness, in all their Glory!!!

Will talk about it later!!!

What you are searching for is virtual reality, which in theory is the easiest thing to do, but in real life it is a real curse!!!

Are you listening to me or not???

Lean on me, so I can sense that you exist!!!

Forgive me, but I really cannot understand you!!!

I have finally succeeded in bypassing the everyday madness and meanness of people, but with great difficulty!!!

Do not be afraid to pass on joy, it costs nothing!!!

Useless objects but very precious for your virtual existence!!! Enjoy them!!!

I would like to see when you will finally come to grips with what is really happening to you!!!

My friends, things are not really moving!!! Do something!!!

I am sick and tired watching you making exactly the same moves everyday!!! I feel trapped in your everyday routines!!!

I do not care how much money and how much property you possess, what interests me is if you are well under your skin and if you respect life and your own self!!!

Stop saying things which are trivial and boring, like the news on television!!!

In your lives, you have never accepted to be happy and free!!!

Did you ever dare to go against yourself and be critical of yourself?!!!

We are all living under the fear of non-existence!!!

Lately, human beings have become very dark!!!

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