Today’s Globalization- An International Conspiracy by the World’s Rich and Powerful

C)  Political  Globalization – a)  Theory  and  Practice

When we  talk  about  Political  Globalization  today, we  naturally  mean  American  Political  Globalization, since the  United  States  of  America  is  the sole  and undisputed  Political, Economic and  Military  Superpower  in the  world  presently; playing out this “hegemonic  historical  role” since the end of  World  War II.

The  U.S.S.R  during the 20th century , had  attempted to become a  Political, Economic  and  Military  Superpower  after  World  War  II, constructing its  own  Political  Globalization  as  the most  prominent  and  well  organized  geopolitical  center  of  International  Communism. It  affected directly the socio-political and the  socio-economic  makeup and evolution of many  Central and  Eastern  European countries,  such  as  Poland, Hungary  and  East  Germany, while also influencing  indirectly  the socio-political and the socio-economic foundations and development of  non-Western  countries  such as  China, Vietnam , North  Korea  and  Egypt. This Communist Globalization scheme initiated by  the  Soviet  Union after  the  Bolshevik  Revolution of  1919,eventually did not succeed because of the political rise of  Communist China after World War II as the Soviet Union’s  non-Western “alter ego” and also through the political and economic dismantling of the  U.S.S.R  after 1990.

Our text on the Political Globalization created and promoted  by  the  United  States of  America  after  World  War II, is made up of 3  sections.

The first section describes the political evolution of  that country from its foundation in 1776 . It  demonstrates  historically how the  United  States had functioned  as a Western Imperialistic  Power, not as a  Western Republic, since it did not conform practically and actively to the 3 main tenets of  liberal ideology, which is  Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, on an individual and on a societal level.

The  second section of our analysis on Political  Globalization  deals with the early stages of  American Imperialism in relation to  the  American government’s policy of  subjugation, domination and  exploitation of the First Indian Nations of  North America and the Afro-American slaves under its administration.

The  third  section of our text on  American Political  Globalization historically begins after  World  War II  until the present day, enumerating and defining the political tools, the policies and the strategies  of the  American government  which legitimized , maintained and reinforced  America’s  “international hegemonic status” as the only Global Superpower, politically, militarily, economically and culturally.

I  shall begin this section of  my  essay  in a somewhat unorthodox way, briefly recounting two historical narratives  whose  existential  essence is  directly related to  today’s  Globalization, whose  goal  is  for a  few number  of individuals to  secure absolute and total control  of all of the world’s resources, both human and material. It also  aims  at   manipulating  the minds and the hearts of  all human beings, installing a  Totalitarian World Order, similar to that described in George Orwell’s book “1984” or in Hollywood’s science-fiction movie “Matrix I”, produced by  the  Wachowski brothers in 1999.

Our first historical narrative is a well-known ancient Greek myth, which talks about King  Midas and  his “golden touch”. This ancient fable explains the “human madness” and the “human tragedy”  resulting   from “human greed”  and  “human avarice”. It is “human materialism”  that  undermines true human happiness and human contentment,  which should be  free and universal , “with no price tags”!!!

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Today’s Globalization- An International Conspiracy by the World’s Rich and Powerful

B)  Cultural  Globalization

In  the  second part on  Globalization, we  shall  refer  to  Cultural  Globalization. We  shall demonstrate  that the  United  States is the major  culprit of this “sinister” international scheme,  which we refer to as  Globalization. Today’s   Globalization began in full force after   World War II, with the intention of controlling   the  hearts, the minds and  the expectations of  human beings  around the world, of essentially  controlling  their lives. The  critical motive behind this global historical  intervention  by the  United  States and  American Transnational Economic Interests is simply the human drive for “enormous” power and  profit, leading to “absolute” and “total”  American World Hegemony by  its elite groups and by those world elites who benefit from this  World set up!!!

Before we specify and define the indicators, the dynamics and the  data  defining  this  International Conspiracy  by  the Rich and the Powerful, especially those originating from the  United States, but  also from other geopolitical power centers, we shall examine some of the formal definitions and semantics provided by various specialized texts, in order to better comprehend the basic components of  our  analysis.

There are many definitions of  “Globalization” in various narratives by  various scholars, reflecting their ideological inclinations, whether they be liberal, neo-liberal, socialist or cosmopolitan. Therefore, we shall use a combination of defining parameters as these have been formulated by  Wikipedia within its extended text related to Globalization, introducing  a more balanced and universal view of this particular term.

It  states  the following:”…Globalization is the process of  international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects  of culture. Advances in transportation and in telecommunications infrastructure have been major factors in  globalization, generating further interdependence of economic and cultural activities….Globalization are all those processes by which the people  of the world are incorporated into a single world  society…”.(

Next, we will  present the concept  of  “Cultural Globalization”, as formulated by  James  L. Watson, a social scientist, for the  Encyclopedia  Britannica.

He expresses that ,”…Cultural globalization is a phenomenon by  which the experience of  everyday life , as influenced by the diffusion of  commodities and ideas, reflects a  standardization of  cultural expressions around the world. Propelled by the efficiency or appeal of wireless communications, electronic commerce, popular culture, and international travel, globalization has been seen as a trend towards homogeneity that will  eventually make human experience everywhere essentially the same. This appears, however , to  be an overstatement of the phenomenon. Although homogenizing influences do indeed exist, they are far from creating anything akin to a single world culture…”.(

Following, I  would like to put forward a definition of  “culture” which  represents best my understanding of what “culture” signifies and  which  is provided by the  ECHOES  Bulletin of 1998(an occasional publication of the World Council of Churches), in an extended article written by Ms.  Fridah Muyale-Manenji.

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A written response to comments made by a good female friend on one of my texts

{A good Greek female friend who I know for more than 20 years, sent me an e-mail commenting on a small text that I had written for my website for the month of January 2018. This text represents one of four small texts which I had placed for that month. I am including this text in the beginning so that my readers could better understand the context of her remarks. I shall not mention my friend’s name.}

A) The text from my website

‘The socio-cultural commonalities between the Greeks and the Jews’

Today, around the world, the Greeks and the Jews seem very much alike in their everyday behavior, their life ambitions and in their social culture.

I have lived in four different countries, in Egypt, in Canada, in Britain and in Greece, and have also traveled extensively. I have had close friends, schoolmates and associates from different ethnicities, races, religions, genders and ages. I was always a cosmopolitan , pragmatically, culturally and ideologically.

During my 67 years of existence, I have come to the conclusion that the two most unfulfilled , unhappy and existentially inadequate races in the world are the Greeks and the Jews. Both of these peoples are spread all over the earth, and approximately half of them live within their own national borders, the rest ,reside in a variety of countries. Many who are abroad , live in the United States, while the total number of each of these two peoples is approximately 20 million.
I personally believe that the causes which make these two races feel “existentially dysfunctional” and “socially insecure” are many , but the three most critical ones are the following:

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Today’s Globalization – an International Conspiracy by the World’s Rich and Powerful

A) Introduction

Globalization is not a new historical phenomenon, it has been present   and active in various   forms through many parts of the world , at different epochs. Today’s Globalization, was established after World War II by the United   States and International American Corporate Interests, as America became the only World Super Power, politically, militarily, economically and culturally. The United States and American Economic Interests were now able to exercise political, economic and cultural dominance over all the countries attached to the international capitalist economic system or “the liberal” world market system. These countries were spread all over the world and in all continents, ranging from the developed industrialized nations like Great Britain, France, Japan and Germany, to the developing countries like India, Brazil, Argentina and the Arab countries of the Middle East and North Africa(due to their oil resources), and finally, to the underdeveloped nations, especially in Central Africa and in Central America, like Somalia, the Sudan, Nicaragua and the Honduras. All   these countries , are “the playing turf ” of American Globalization!!!

We shall now examine some historical examples of Globalization which reflect the spectrum of   the types of   Globalization which were preponderant and dynamic in the past.

We will start with the political, economic and cultural Globalization, established by   Alexander the Great and his key Macedonian military officers, during the end of the   4th century B.C.. They founded the Hellenistic Kingdoms which endured for more than three centuries, while   historians have named this historical epoch, “the Hellenistic Age”.(

After the death of Alexander the Great in 323B.C., his Universal Empire was divided up into the Hellenistic kingdoms, ruled by his most intimate and trusted military officers.

The most important Hellenistic kingdom was the Kingdom of   Egypt, established by Ptolemy in 305B.C., and it was the Ptolemaic dynasty which ruled Egypt until the death of   Cleopatra in 30B.C., the last Egyptian ruler of   this   Macedonian dynasty.

Second in historical and political importance was the Seleucid dynasty, founded by   Seleucus in 305B.C., in Syria and in Mesopotamia. The Seleucid Empire is considered by many historians as one of the greatest in human history, while at the peak of its hegemony, its territory included Asia Minor, Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, Turkmenistan and the Indus Valley. The Seleucid Empire was finally defeated by Rome in 60B.C., as it later had occurred with the Egyptian kingdom of the Ptolemies .

The next Hellenistic dynasty in historical importance was the Antigonid dynasty within Greece , initiated by Antigonus in 306B.C., ruling most of the Greek Mainland with its Greek islands in the Aegean and Ionian Seas. The Antigonid   dynasty was defeated by the Roman military forces in 146B.C., and became the Roman province of Macedonia.

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Personal Comments and Impressions!!! (A)

(The following are my commentaries on Social Issues, Current Events , Concepts, and also Personal Impressions of people and everyday life)


a – ‘ The socio-cultural commonalities between the Greeks and the Jews’

Today, around the world, the Greeks and the Jews seem very much alike in their everyday behaviour, their life ambitions and in their social culture.
I have lived in four different countries, in Egypt, in Canada, in Great Britain and in Greece, while I have traveled a lot during my lifetime. I have had close friends, schoolmates and associates of different ethnicities, races, religions, genders, ages and erotic preferences. I have always been a cosmopolitan, pragmatically, culturally and ideologically!!! During my 67 years of life experiences, I have come to the conclusion that the two most unfulfilled, unhappy and existentially inadequate races in the world are the Greeks and the Jews!!! Both of these Peoples are spread all over the world, half of them living within their own national borders, and the rest of them residing in a variety of countries,. Many of those living abroad, reside in the United States, while the total number of each of these two races is approximately 20 million!!! I believe that the causes which make these two races feel “existentially dysfunctional” and “socially insecure” are many, but the three most important ones are the following: First, they are racially and culturally “bastardised”, after thousands of years of history, through migrations and by foreign domination, politically, economically, culturally and socially!!! Second, their unstable and ever changing historical experiences, have promoted a social and a societal environment which have exposed these peoples to a variety of survival risks. This is the reason why both the Greeks and the Jews have always put great priority on the accumulation of wealth “by any means” and on ensuring the cohesion of the family unit, the clan and the race “at any cost “ to the individual. Therefore, both Peoples are conservative, materialistic and traditional!!!

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b5)

(I   want  to  dedicate these series of  texts  to  those  of  my  former  Greek  students, male and  female, who  in  the end chose “mediocrity”  and  “virtual  reality”  for  the  sake  of  their  own  society, their own  families and  their own “survival”.)


We  shall  return once  again to  the  first  years  of  the  Byzantine Empire,  when  the “conspiracy” between its  political  authorities, the clerical authorities  and  the  International  Jewish Establishment was initiated, and  progressively evolved and took  roots.

The  Byzantine Empire  was  founded by  Constantine the  Great(272A.D.-337A.D.), son  of  the  Roman Caesar Flavius Valerius  Constantius  and his  wife Helen. The Roman  Emperor Diocletian, who introduced the political institution of  the  “tetrarchy”(four individual rulers) in 293A.D., appointed Constantius A’(293A.D.-306A.D), Caesar of  Gaul, Spain and  Britain, meaning  the Western Provinces of the  Roman Empire. Constantine the   Great, son of  Constantius A’, ruled  as Emperor of   the  Western Roman Empire from 312A.D. to  324A.D., and as sole Emperor of the  Empire from 324A.D. to  337A.D.

Constantine the   Great implemented  three major historic decrees which would  define concretely , the political, the historical and  the cultural identity of  Byzantium until its demise, during the  middle of  the 15th  century  A.D..

First  of  all , he signed the  decree of  Mediolanum(Milan) in 313A.D., when  he  was  Emperor of  the  Western  Roman  Empire, enacting the legislation of  “religious tolerance”, therefore, legalizing  Christianity as a  “tolerated religion” which would be under  the  protection of  the  Emperor himself!!! Byzantine Emperor Theodosius A’ was the one  who  on  February 28, 380A.D., in  Salonika, passed the  legislation, making Christianity “the official religion” of  the  Byzantine Empire. Theodosius,  had  activated  the decisions taken by the  First Ecumenical Synod in Nicaea in 325A.D., under the rule of   Byzantine Emperor, Constantine the  Great!!!

The  second  political initiative taken by  Constantine the  Great  was  the  official relocation of  Rome  as capital of  the  Roman Empire  to  Constantinople, which pragmatically meant the creation of  the  Eastern Roman Empire.

Finally, he organised the First Ecumenical   Synod of Nicaea in 325A.D., which was  a determinant historical  factor  concerning the  evolution of  Christianity  as a World Religion. This Synod defined , validated  and  formalized  the  various Christian dogmas, the church institutions and finally, the socio-political status of   the  Church in relation to the powers of the Emperor, his court and the local administrations  throughout the territory of the Byzantine Empire!!!

The  Byzantine Empire was a  “superficial simile” of  the  Roman Empire, as the Roman Empire had been “a  rough copy” of  the political and social  culture of  the  Greek City  States!!! The political, cultural  and  institutional cohesion of  the  Byzantine Empire was superficial and  not the  end  product of a historical  evolution!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part S)

What do you prefer??? Appearances or content ???

My point of reference is Life not Society!!!

The love of money, kills the soul but also the body!!!

Our everyday routines encroach on and violate our own good disposition!!!

You have colluded with the Devil, but be sure that the Devil will always be by your side!!!

Really now, aren’t you fed up with your own “virtual reality”!!!

I am living the Void in a society which yearns for the Void!!!

You are not able to love because you have forgot how to love yourself and Life!!!

When we are all together, enjoying ourselves, and you keep on using your I-phone , you are being “disrespectful” and “a moron”!!!

Today, Greek Society is recycling!!! Let us see who can endure this!!!

In essence, our problems are not economic but existential!!!

Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists are today “making a bundle”, but with what results???

Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists should start telling some basic truths to their “customers” and not feed them with toxic chemicals!!!

Psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapists should ask themselves if they chose this profession for “the gold coins” or to help human beings!!!

Where is our “very holy” Greek Orthodox Church in these trying times the Greek peoples are living??? No more prayers!!!

When will the Greek peoples find an honest, sensitive and pragmatic politician???

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b4)

(I  want  to  dedicate  these  series of  texts to  those   of   my  former  Greek  students, male  or  female,  who  in  the  end  , chose “mediocrity”  and  “virtual reality”,  for  the  sake  of  their own  society, their  own  families  and  their own “survival”)


This  part of  our  Epilogues(b4), is  a  synopsis of  the first three texts of  this  series  of  articles(epilogues b1,b2,b3), where I described the “historical conspiracy” between  the  Byzantine political  authorities, the Greek Orthodox Church and  the  International Jewish Establishment to undermine, weaken and  isolate the  social, cultural and political values , as  well  as the  historical institutions  of  Ancient  Greek  Civilization within  the  wider  geographical Mediterranean region  and  the Middle  East.

We  shall  begin this  text by  comparing one  more  time, the  critical historical, cultural , ideological and  existential differences between Ancient  Greek  Civilization  and  the  Traditional Jewish Civilization of  2,500  years.

The  most important cultural and  ideological  differences between  these  two  civilizations  originate from  the  historical  fact that Ancient  Greek  Civilization was not  founded, constructed and developed by   “metaphysical” or  “divine” intervention, but  through  the “free initiatives” and  the  “free creativity” of  mortals, responding to  the  social  demands  and  the aesthetic  criteria  of  their  time and  their own  geopolitical space. These therefore were the  basic  societal  incentives  for  the  “extraordinary” and  “accelerated”  cultural  and  historical development of  the  Greek Race  and  the  Greek Nation.

In  contrast, within the Traditional  Jewish Civilization  of  2,500  years, its  philosophic constructs  and  ideological  values had  already  been defined since  its  foundation, through “divine interventions”  and  “divine guidelines”, which meant they were  revealed as  “absolute”, “perfect” and “untouchable”!!! All this entailed, historically, socially  and  culturally, the “total  submission” of  all Jews to  this  “divine scheme”, with  no possibility of  a  historical  evolution, since  Human Beings are  the  sole creative  social  entities which can  produce and  promote  historical events  and historical  developments, reacting to the  specific societal needs and  expectations of  their time!!! Concluding, one  could  say that  Traditional Jewish Civilization remained ”static” ,  since  within their own society  , the  philosophic principles of  the “dialectic mental process”  and  the  “freedom of  choice” could  not  function!!!

Philo the  Jew(20B.C. -45A.D.),  who  lived  in  Alexandria, Egypt, during the  time  of  Jesus  Christ, came  from a  rich and  aristocratic  Jewish family  of Egypt, had  studied in  Greek schools(gymnasiums) , had  his  own  personal  Greek  tutors, while  he only  spoke  Greek!!! In  the previous  part of  our  narrative(Epilogue b3), we  examined in  detail  the  biography of  Philo, because he  represents an important  historical  figure who  defined not  only  the theology of  the  Jews, but  the  theology of  Christians and  later on of  Moslems. He  is  considered the  first  theologian of  the  Christian Religion by  the  Fathers of  the  Greek  Orthodox Church, because  all of  his  theological analysis was  based on the Old  Testament  as  was Christianity,  with  the  critical  exception of  the  “Universal Spiritual  Teachings” of  Jesus  Christ, even though he had been  educated  to  become  a  Jewish  Rabbi!!!

Philo was a  historian, a  philosopher, a  theologian  and  a  politician. His  philosophic  and  ideological principles  were  based on  the  Old Testament  and  the  Jewish  Prophets, all  under  the  guidance and  the  guidelines of  the High Jewish Priesthood  of  Judea  and  the  Jewish  Religious  Establishment of  Egypt. The  purpose of  his  teachings was the “distortion” and the  “subversion” of  the  historical and  cultural  identity  of  the  Ancient Greek  Civilization and  the  human  factors  and  creations which  had  composed it. Philo in  his  teachings and  writings  supported  absolutely the  thesis  that  the philosophic and political concepts, the  scientific discoveries and  inventions, as  well  as  the literature of  Ancient  Greek Scholars, were founded  on  the  divine revelations, principles and  stipulations of  the Old  Testament!!! Nevertheless, all of  these hyperbolic cultural and  ideological positions of  Philo were easily accepted  and  adopted  by  his wider public audience  and  readers, since they  had  accepted  him as the  most important   theologian of  Christianity and  Judaism, and  later on of  Islam!!!

As  a  consequence, in  order to  better comprehend  the  Traditional Jewish  Civilization, we  will have to address  ourselves  exclusively to  the texts  of  the  Old  Testament, discovering and  clarifying the  basic ideological, philosophic and  existential  priorities  of  the  Jews and their  Civilization!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part R)

I  want to  feel  alive and free, not subordinated!!!

Life  has  very  little to  do  with  personal  calculations,  but  with  moments!!!

You  play  many  games  with  Life, and  naturally  Life  will  punish you  for  this!!!

Today, almost  all  human beings find  themselves in  “an existential impasse”!!!

I  pass on “the  messages”, but  if  you  pretend  that  you  cannot  understand  them, it’s your  problem!!!

Thick skinned  and  ambitious  people    are  the  ones  who  prosper  socially, yet  what  type of  life  do these  people lead???

They  unmask themselves every  single day, yet  this  never affects them!!!

The  Jews  for  2,500 years,  collect wealth for  their  own personal security!!! Nevertheless, History has  shown  that this “existential formula” is  null and  void!!!

When  you are true, you are different, and  when you  are  different, most people  cannot tolerate you!!!

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Personal Verses Inspired by Today’s Greek Reality (Part O)

Nothing in life is accidental!!!

There is no escape!!! You have to face this and find a solution!!!

Greek Peoples do not want to accept the fact that in real earthly existence, nothing is permanent and nothing is certain!!!

All those individuals who are unbalanced and corrupt should remain silent and stop playing the roles of protectors and guides!!!

For Greek Peoples, the process of self-criticism is “anathema”!!! A major factor for our lack of evolution to a Modern, Creative and Free Society!!!

Most people have sacrificed their chance for a creative life in one way or another!!! They simply do not want to accept it!!!

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