An extended letter to the BBC


(A letter to Stephen Sackur, the main presenter in the weekly BBC person to person television interview program called “Hardtalk”.)


This extended letter to Mr. Stephen Sackur, the main presenter of the BBC person to person interview program “Hardtalk”, involves Mr. Sackur’s televised interview of Jean-Claude Trichet , the former President of the European Central Bank(2003-2011), on April 14, 2015.

There are 3 specific reasons why I wrote this letter personally to Mr. Stephen Sackur.

The first, is that this interview was spent mostly as “a casual discussion” on Greece’s National Debt and the policies of the newly elected “leftist” Greek Government to reach a fair resolution to its foreign debt, taking into account both the Economic Welfare of Greek Society as a whole, as well as the financial expectations of Greece’s Foreign Lenders.

The second reason I wrote this personalized letter, was to demonstrate and expose the one-dimensional and impersonal views of Jean-Claude Trichet concerning Greece’s present financial tribulations, an Influential Public Figure who has always functioned as an International Financial and Political Broker, servicing “absolutely” and “exclusively” the Hegemonic Interests of the Power Centers of the World.
Third, I wanted to clarify and stigmatize the societal role of the Established Western Mass Media today, in protecting and promoting the Interests of Human Society’s Very Few, who control the wealth and the destinies of the majority of Human Beings on Earth, at the same time, sacrificing their professional credibility in communicating all relevant information to all, objectively and ethically!!!


The letter

Dear Mr. Stephen Sackur, I am sending this letter to you personally in relation to the interview you personally did with Jean-Claude Trichet on April 14, 2015, in your television program. I often watch your interview program on BBC because it brings interesting guests “from every walk of life”, representing different nations, societies and cultures who have made their mark in “human current affairs”. I address this letter to you personally concerning your interview of Jean-Claude Trichet on April 14, 2015, because a substantial part of this interview dealt with Greece’s National Debt and the newly elected “leftist” Greek Government.

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The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part H)


(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival)


In this text, in which “one more time”, we shall examine the historical causes for Greece’s economic and political crisis of 2012, we shall return to the time-period when Kostas Simitis “excelled” as Prime Minister of this country between 1996 and 2004, because I believe that it represents the most critical period in Greece’s modern history, when the economic and political preconditions were laid out for the “final dissolution” of the country as a “modern” and “independent” Western nation-state. A “developed” nation-state which could provide the social means and the state infrastructure protecting the security of its own population and its own territorial integrity, the economic welfare and the economic development of its own society, as well as the country’s international position and status!!!!

We shall expose some “political events” and some “historical facts” which we did not refer to in our previous articles concerning the Greek Crisis of 2012, therefore introducing a more “spherical” and “complete” view as to how “corrupt” and how “decadent” is the Greek Social Establishment and also how “servile” and “shoddy” are our own Political Leaders!!!!

But before I focus on the various personalities who initiated and ensured the economic, political and social “demise” of Greece, our own little Greece, I would like to make a list of some adjectives and epithets which reflect and define perfectly well the “existential essence” of these “sub-humans” or “human freaks”!!!! The epithets for these “hybrid human entities” are the following: Psychopaths, emotionally insecure, existentially unstable, self-destructive, psychologically bipolar, socially dysfunctional, self-centred, narcissistic, possessive, disrespectful, unscrupulous, dark, unnatural, dishonest, immoral, treacherous, materialistic, voracious, spiritually miserly and erotically deficient!!! Therefore, every time we shall refer to some personality in this essay, take notice and refer back to these epithets, because I promise you that all of these “social entities” are to a large degree similar, all “transient human monsters”!!!!

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Paris, January 11, 2015


(A Historical Parenthesis related to the “human tragedy” involving “Chalie Hebdo” in January 2015)

In this text, I shall refer to the social and political “circus” as well as to the “public virtual reality” as these were displayed on January 11, 2015, in Paris and in other major French cities. 3,5 million French demonstrators supposedly “spontaneously” and “consciously” came out into the streets to proclaim their support for the “democratic rights” and the “freedom of expression” of all French Citizens as well as of all those “progressive” and “liberal” citizens of Western Societies. These historic events in France took place a few days after the “terrorist actions” committed by two young French Muslim brothers, of Algerian National Descent, attacking the offices of the Satirical French Magazine “Charlie Hebdo”, which during the last few years, has taken upon itself to publish cartoons, “ridiculing” the Prophet Mohamed by portraying him as a bloodthirsty cannibal, as an effeminate transvestite, naked and as an active participant in sexual orgies!!!

Two years ago, these so called “Fanatic Islamists” had destroyed these same offices of this Satirical French Magazine with bomb explosions, nevertheless, the “now deceased” editor, as well as many of the main cartoonists and writers of “Charlie Hebdo” firmly and irrevocably continued the “deliberate” distortion and ridicule of the “religious” and “historical” identity of the Prophet Mohamed, the founder of the Islamic Religion, which today encompasses 1,5 billion followers worldwide, the most populous religion in the world!!!!

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Our Children!!!


I have a close and brotherly friend who I know since his youth, and now he is about 45 years old. His family origins are from Evia(a very large island close to the Greek Mainland) where he has been living for the last 25 years. I got to know him well when he was a young teenager because then , he was living with his parents in the same apartment building where my second sister was residing with her family, and later on, my mother with my youngest sister. The apartment building is located in Athens, and I used to travel from abroad during the summer, not every summer, to see my mother and my two younger sisters. Finally, I moved permanently to Greece in 1986.

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