The crisis of 2012 – a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Epilogue b5)

(I   want  to  dedicate these series of  texts  to  those  of  my  former  Greek  students, male and  female, who  in  the end chose “mediocrity”  and  “virtual  reality”  for  the  sake  of  their  own  society, their own  families and  their own “survival”.)


We  shall  return once  again to  the  first  years  of  the  Byzantine Empire,  when  the “conspiracy” between its  political  authorities, the clerical authorities  and  the  International  Jewish Establishment was initiated, and  progressively evolved and took  roots.

The  Byzantine Empire  was  founded by  Constantine the  Great(272A.D.-337A.D.), son  of  the  Roman Caesar Flavius Valerius  Constantius  and his  wife Helen. The Roman  Emperor Diocletian, who introduced the political institution of  the  “tetrarchy”(four individual rulers) in 293A.D., appointed Constantius A’(293A.D.-306A.D), Caesar of  Gaul, Spain and  Britain, meaning  the Western Provinces of the  Roman Empire. Constantine the   Great, son of  Constantius A’, ruled  as Emperor of   the  Western Roman Empire from 312A.D. to  324A.D., and as sole Emperor of the  Empire from 324A.D. to  337A.D.

Constantine the   Great implemented  three major historic decrees which would  define concretely , the political, the historical and  the cultural identity of  Byzantium until its demise, during the  middle of  the 15th  century  A.D..

First  of  all , he signed the  decree of  Mediolanum(Milan) in 313A.D., when  he  was  Emperor of  the  Western  Roman  Empire, enacting the legislation of  “religious tolerance”, therefore, legalizing  Christianity as a  “tolerated religion” which would be under  the  protection of  the  Emperor himself!!! Byzantine Emperor Theodosius A’ was the one  who  on  February 28, 380A.D., in  Salonika, passed the  legislation, making Christianity “the official religion” of  the  Byzantine Empire. Theodosius,  had  activated  the decisions taken by the  First Ecumenical Synod in Nicaea in 325A.D., under the rule of   Byzantine Emperor, Constantine the  Great!!!

The  second  political initiative taken by  Constantine the  Great  was  the  official relocation of  Rome  as capital of  the  Roman Empire  to  Constantinople, which pragmatically meant the creation of  the  Eastern Roman Empire.

Finally, he organised the First Ecumenical   Synod of Nicaea in 325A.D., which was  a determinant historical  factor  concerning the  evolution of  Christianity  as a World Religion. This Synod defined , validated  and  formalized  the  various Christian dogmas, the church institutions and finally, the socio-political status of   the  Church in relation to the powers of the Emperor, his court and the local administrations  throughout the territory of the Byzantine Empire!!!

The  Byzantine Empire was a  “superficial simile” of  the  Roman Empire, as the Roman Empire had been “a  rough copy” of  the political and social  culture of  the  Greek City  States!!! The political, cultural  and  institutional cohesion of  the  Byzantine Empire was superficial and  not the  end  product of a historical  evolution!!!

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