The Hippocratic Oath – Ancient Greek Social Values which few Greek Doctors abide by Today


Hippocrates (460 B.C.- 377 B.C.) is widely considered to be the father and the founder of the science of modern medicine. He was a scientist but also a philosopher, who by utilizing a rational and a dialectic thought process, expelled that epoch’s medical practices from its metaphysical aspects, from its traditional health preconceptions and traditional routine disease prevention; adding “social morality” and “humanistic values” to a systematic clinical diagnosis and disease treatment!!!

Hippocrates was educated in medicine and practiced the medical profession in various parts of Greater Greece, starting on the Aegean island of Ko, which is very close to Asia Minor. During his professional medical career, he not only treated the sick and taught the science of medicine, but he also made detailed notes about his observations and discoveries as a physician, his social perceptions and evaluations, as well as his scientific conclusions. These written notes by Hippocrates make up the Hippocratic Corpus, which represents 59 individual texts . It represents a collection of scientific knowledge which even today, is considered as an invaluable set of information in the various studies of modern Medicine.

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