The ‘’death cult’’ in Canada today – a controlled corporatist police state, run by Globalist Elites like Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau (conclusion from a personal experience during my hospitalization for Covid 19 on July 2022, in a large Canadian hospital in Montreal, Canada)

It was an ordinary night, having my supper at home, when suddenly I felt very weak. It tried to stand up but then I buckled and fell on the floor backwards. It was like an electric shock going through my whole body, losing control of my limbs and falling down. I felt almost paralyzed and I could not even stand up. It was as if  I  had entered another dimension, where everything around me seemed different and shadowy. For me it was a new type of life experience.

Here I have to mention that before taking my supper, I took an afternoon nap  where I  saw many strange hallucinations , which I previously experienced only once 7 months before.  It wasn’t a dream, because in both instances I could remember details of these hallucinations for a long time after. I have to emphasize here that I do not take any drugs or medication, and  I  also do not consume strong alcohol. Similarly, I have never had  any mental issues or have been to a psychiatrist.

Going back to my story, I want to specify that when I felt that electric shock and tried to stand up, I fell  backwards and knocked down the garbage bin which was right behind me. I couldn’t  stand up and  didn’t have the physical strength to control my limbs. I crawled on the floor, and slowly reached for my phone and called my Chinese landlady to help me.

When she came up to the apartment, because she lives on the floor below, she called for an ambulance. At this point , I have to go back in time and explain the fact that  once my landlady Mrs. Lee saw me in this strange condition, she went and brought me some nourishment to energize me. She gave me  3 hard boiled eggs, fruit juice and a glass of milk. She treated me as her own son and I am very grateful to her.

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