Personal Comments and Impressions (D)

(The following are my commentaries on  Social Issues, Current Events, Concepts  and also Personal Impressions of people and everyday life)

No News is Good News

a) A  letter to the  Editors of the  British magazine  ‘’The New  Statesman’’


July  2021,

Dear  Editors,

This is the second letter that I am writing to your magazine, the first one I  sent in  August of 2020, which  I  am including part of the text so you will be reminded of the content.

The first letter dealt with the current event subject of  Meghan Merkle and  Prince  Harry, which  I  published it on my website(, knowing full well that you wouldn’t make any editorial reference to it in the section of your magazine where you allow commentaries from your readers to be partially printed.

The sad aspect concerning your  editorial integrity and its professionalism is that you didn’t even sent me a typical notice of  the reception of the letter, even though I had informed you that I have been keeping my own website for 15 years, writing articles both in English and Greek.

I will therefore print once again a section of the letter I  sent you  in  August 2020, which provides me with the opportunity for my readers not only to assess what  I have already commented on , but to also evaluate your  integrity as an important progressive magazine in the West.


Part of the letter  goes as follows:


August 2, 2020

Dear  Editors,

I   rarely  write  letters to newspapers, magazines or T.V. networks, but  I did exactly that a long time ago, during the illegal American war campaign in  Iraq in 2003, where more than half-a-million Iraqi citizens died and many thousands of Iraqi and  American soldiers.

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