The Greek crisis of 2012 -a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part E)

(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival).

The first “historical circumstance” which facilitated the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis to execute this whole “underhanded” procedure so that the distortion of the data concerning Greece’s National Debt would not be officially detected by the European Commission and by the European Central Bank was the fact that since that time, meaning from 1998 and until 2008, there was disorganization and a professional laxity(unwittingly due to extraordinary circumstances or maybe wittingly) by the services of Eurostat. The last, represented a European statistical supervisory body which was responsible for extracting and harmonizing the various financial data information coming from the member-states of the European Union, in order to absorb and record officially and scientifically the real economic indicators within a larger European context. This statistical data by Eurostat represented key accounting inputs for processing and evaluating the supervision of the total economic budget of the European Union and of course of the monetary policy of the European Central Bank. During the period when the statistics of Greece’s National Debt were being “cooked up” or “distorted”, meaning in 2000, due to an internal financial scandal, the activities or the services of Eurostat were almost at a stand-still, therefore the people responsible for this auditing bureau of the European Union accepted “at face value” the economic indicators and the official economic assessments provided by the Greek Government of Kostas Simitis, as well as later on, by the Greek Government of Kostas Karamanlis (2004-2009).

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