Aristotle Onassis – the ideal type of a modern “Neanderthal” (Part C)

thumbch_on_nea_largeIn essence,Onassis initiates his shipping activities in the beginning of the 1930s in Argentina,when he buys with his first money 2 old steamboats,which he names them “Socrates” and “Pinnelope” in honour of his parents.We Greeks,are always “first” in these acts of “superficial family sentimentality”!!But Aristotle Onassis soon realises,that the “big money” in the future ,will come from transporting “oil” by the various ocean lanes.As a consequence ,almost all his next moves in the shipping sector would be acquiring oil ship-carriers and transporting oil,especially from the oil producing countries of the Middle East.During this same period(1930s),he bought 10 merchant vessels from a Canadian company for 120,000 american dollars.At the same time,he registers all his ships in Panama(not in Greece),where the tarrifs and taxes are much lower than those of Argentina.In 1938,he builds his own oil carrier at the shipyards of Sweden,the “Ariston”,with a volume capacity of 15,000 tons ( ).

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“Slumdog Millionaire” – the movie (2008); Cultural Globilization* not a Cosmopolitan** Culture (Part B).

“Slumdog Millionaire” the movie,directed by the British director Danny Boyle,produced by the American producer Christian Colson,and distributed by the all-powerful American distributing company Fox Searchlight,was released at the end of 2008,and by June 2009,had grossed more than 213 million american dollars worldwide( 04/05/slumdog-kids-remain…).

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Why is the disappearance of the “Neanderthal” Man 30,000 years ago, significant today? (Part C)

“Glacial age” or “ice age”, defines scientifically a period in the Earth΄s geological evolution when there is”a long- term reduction in the temperature of the Earth΄s surface and atmosphere,resulting in an expansion of continental ice sheets,polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers.”(

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