The Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2009; a mirror-image of the present “Political Culture” of the country. (Part D)

To be able to better understand the present “chaotic” situation in Greece’s “Political Culture”, we would first have to record, clarify and then analyze the “real events”, political, social and economic which contributed towards the liberation of part that country’s territory (Central Greece, Peloponnesus, the Cycladic Islands in the Aegean Sea) from Ottoman rule, leading to the creation of the first modern Greek nation-state in 1830. What becomes evident early on, is the fact that most of the “official” Greek Historiography which refers to Greece’s struggle for Independence( in essence initiated late in the 18th century), withholds or ignores purposefully all the historical data which demonstrates a lack of a “common” national consciousness and fighting spirit by the majority of the “protagonists” of the Revolution against Ottoman political tyranny which had lasted for almost 400 years.

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The Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2009; a mirror-image of the present “Political Culture” of the country (Part C)

I dedicate this part of the article to my friend Phedros(see previous article entitled “The psychological state of the young today”) and to my former female and male students who tend to focus so much on social “conventions” and “details”(see facebook and narcissism) because they are afraid to live freely, truthfully and really erotically(the instinct with deep inspiration), that is why they are a very unhappy people. Life does not forgive “pretensions”. Once, the Irish writer Oscar Wilde said that “…details are the vulgar aspect of life…”. I believe that he was right!!!

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Aristotle Onassis – an ideal type of a modern “Neanderthal” – Epilogue (d)

Alexander Onassis, the only son of Aristotle Onassis and Athina(Tina) Livanos, was born in New York on the 20th of April 1948 and died on the 23rd of January 1973 in Athens, at the age of 24, after an airplane “accident”; most probably as a result of an organized attempt against his life and as a consequence of his father’s unlimited ambitions to reign supreme in the international business world as well as within his own family. Later on, we shall attempt as much as can be possible, to determine what exactly happened during this tragic day at the Athens’s airport and what may have been the possible causes for Alexander’s early death.

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The Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2009; a mirror-image of the present “Political Culture” of the country (Part B)

In the first part of our article, after observing the various “simulated” and “empty” political behavioral patterns of political personalities, of journalists, of political analysts, of gallop statisticians, of managers of the private and public media, as well as of state officials who oversee all processes related to registering and transmitting all voting results; what we mean , as we observed this ” tasteless theatrical performance” played out on Sunday night, October 4 2009, the set date for Greece’s Parliamentary Elections, we decided that it was “worth the effort” to examine “honestly” and “objectively” the degree of “political maturity” and “democratization” which exists within the context of Greece’s “modern political culture”.

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Aristotle Onassis – An ideal type of a modern “Neanderthal” – Epilogue (c)

Alexander Onassis (1948-1973), the only son of Aristotle Onassis, in spite of his youth and his father’s many “gold coins”, during the brief time he lived as an “adult”, he demonstrated that he not only had a strong personality and a sharp mind, but that he also faced the everyday moments of his life, with fortitude, with pathos, with a lot of sensitivity and objectivity, contrary to his father and mentor (in a negative sense). One time, while Alexander was discussing his father’s marital relations with Jackie Kennedy, he said the following:”…My father loves names (the famous and the powerful) and Jackie loves money…” (p. 1.

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Why is the disappearance of the “Neanderthal” Man 30,000 years ago, significant today? (Part F)

In the last part of our article (Part E) concerning the disappearance of the Neanderthals 30,000 years ago, we focused on the “effective” and “creative” ways through which the Cro-Magnons utilized their “human abilities” and “human ingredients”(human DNA) which were at the disposal of the Neanderthals,but were ignored by them. This “unimaginative human specie”(Neanderthal), with its “one-dimensional” and “limited” attitude to life,had as its “sole preoccupation”, its own “personal physical survival” and its “personal gene procreation”, similar to the “instinctual drives” of all living creatures, including those of the “higher mammals” such as the apes, the whales, the elephants, the tigers, the horses ,etc We also mentioned that the Cro-Magnon “human specie” experimented with its “human mental capacities” creating “abstract thinking”, a “human development” which not only refined the human tools for communication (practical and pragmatic human communication), but it also inserted into that specie’s everyday existence an “aesthetic dimension”.

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Aristotle Onassis – an ideal type of a modern “Neanderthal” – Epilogue (b)

thumbonb_largeIn the previous sections of our article on Aristotle Onassis, we described the strategies, the personal aspirations and the ethics of this protagonist within the context of his entrepreneurial activities worldwide ,and how he exploited in an “unfeeling” and “self-centered” manner opponents, colleagues and whole societies when these human components found themselves in a weak position. In exactly the same way , Aristotle Onassis functioned in his very personal relations, whether these were within his very own family or in the relationships he created with the 3 women who made a real imprint in his life; Athina(Tina) Livanos, Maria Callas and Jackie Kennedy.

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What is the term “metamorphosis” and why we are using it as our logo for the site

“Metamorphosis” is a Greek word which means transforming something into something else. In my site, “metamorphosis” is primarily identified with the universal evolutionary process where everything is changing, every single entity in the universe. Nevertheless, modern human beings pretend that they can effectively manipulate and guide this chaotic and unpredictable process through human rationality and human intelligence; aiming at protecting their artificial defenses, materialistic or otherwise, for fear of the unknown.

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The Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2009; a mirror-image of the present “Political Culture”* of the country. (Part A)

Before examining the various socio-political dimensions which derive from the whole political setting of the Greek Parliamentary Elections of October 2009, I would like to refer to a modern political term which is used at times to record “empirically” and “schematically” those socio-political components which reflect the “political psyche” and “trends” of a society or a country. This modern political term is “political culture”. First of all, we have to mention that the term “polical culture” was created by American political scientists such as Lucian Pye,Sidney Verba and Gabriel Almond during the 1950s, when the United States of America was the most powerful “capitalist” country by “leaps and bounds”,with spheres of “economic”,”political” and “military” influence in Europe, Asia,the Middle East,Africa and South America.

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Why is the disappearance of the “Neanderthal” Man 30,000 years ago, significant today ? (Part E)

In the previous section(Part D) of our article on the "Neanderthal"Man, we mentioned that the "Cro-Magnon"Man was the first human being to create a "culture", using our general definition of culture which translates into"…the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society…".The social pre-requisites needed to create an "organized culture" are many, some we have already specified when we described the everyday patterns of life, the everyday human behavior, the everyday social habits and the social organization of the groups of Cro-Magnon humans; that "human specie" which established itself throughout Europe, coming from the Middle East and North Africa more than 45,000 years ago. I believe that it is vital for us to outline once again, some of the human parameters which permitted the Cro-Magnons to create the first "organized society" and the first "organized culture" in their "primitive form". The basic "human ingredients" or "capacities" which were utilized creatively and effectively by the Cro-Magnons, materializing in a viable social organization and culture were four .First, there was "abstract thinking", based on concepts which go beyond specific examples. "Abstract thinking" can produce voice sounds with a certain "practical application" which…

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