Personal verses inspired by today’s Greek Reality (N)

Women are fickle and men are jerks-the archetypes of Eve and Adam in the Old Testament!!!

The persons who strive for money, are cowards and existentially impotenet!!!

Being always secure, you have no real life and you really do not progress!!!

Many men with no families, but also with families, pay young people,boys and girls, to have sex with them. This should be shameful to all of us!!!

The priests, the lawyers, the doctors, the politicians, the businessmen, all ‘’do their own thing’’. You, what do you really do?

Many children to day, go to psychologists, psychiatrists and to speech therapists, while they are also taking many anti-depressant drugs. Who is responsible for this tragic social situation? Maybe, the real cause is the family environment?

I never took people seriously. More the adults than the young ones!!!

Many Greek men and many Greek women cheat on their partners. It is part of their virtual reality!!!

Our politicians are ‘’scoundrels’’, as our clergy!!!

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The Genocide in Palestine today

The Morality of political commentators

(Notice: Alex Christoforou and Alexander Mercouris are two very important political commentators on the website .Both have their own podcasts and they cooperate in a common podcast under the name of The Durand , where they share ideas, they invite specialists and they discuss political themes and major political events in the form of a roundtable talk.

Alex christoforou is a Cypriot citizen who grew up and was educated in the United States . He resides in Cyprus.

Alexander Mercouris grew up in Great Britain and resides in London.

Alex christoforou comes from a long line of Cypriot diplomats, while Alexander Mercouris comes from a long line of Greek politicians ,the most famous one being Melina Mercouri, who was the Minister of Culture of Greece, under the premiership of Andreas Papandreou during the 1970s and 1980s. He is a Greek and a British citizen.


Dear Mr. Alex christoforou and dear Mr. Alexander Mercouris

I have been following both of you for at least 10 years. I have made some written contacts while I was in Montreal ,Canada for about 7 years in order to arrange my Canadian pension. Now I have returned to my home in Athens, Greece.

I am in full agreement with both of you concerning the destructive forces of Globalism around the world, especially the neo-cons of the United States and the European leaders of the European Union.

Related to the Ukraine military conflict, like both of you I am on the side of Russia since for Russia it is a matter of a geopolitical survival.

Where my concerns lie and even my reasons for a strong opposition is your moral indifference concerning the question of the Palestinian state, the Palestinians and the apartheid regime in Israel.

For the last 2 years at least, Israel and its military forces the I.D.F, has been killing in the Gaza Strip of Palestine , tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians , mostly women and children.The official estimate from the Ministry of Health of Gaza is at least 50,000 dead Many humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International put the number of victims at over 150,000.

As a consequence, this represents a major political event and a major driving force in the political affairs of the Middle East, resulting in negative popular reactions and international condemnation for this’’human atrocity’’.

Just on basic moral grounds , both of you , as important political commentators on the website and beyond, should have focused more and discussed more the “ human genocide” that is taking place in Palestine during the last 2 years at least.

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