Today’s Globalization- An International Conspiracy by the World’s Rich and Powerful

C- Political Globalization-b) The   First    Nations of   North  America  and  Afro-Americans,  under  American  Imperialism!!!

1)The   First  Nations of  North  America- the  Indian tribes

We  shall now examine in a general context, how the indigenous  Indians  and the  African  American slaves, who much later became ‘’ second class’’  American citizens, were treated by  American authorities, whether they represented the  Federal  Government or  State  Governments. We shall demonstrate that through official American policy, these two racial groups were treated  as  ‘’savages’’ and  as ‘’subhuman’’ social entities, since they were not  white, of  European ancestry  and  Christian. For  almost all  American settlers , ‘’divine destiny’’ dictated that these ‘’peoples’’  were assigned to service in a  servile  and subservient way , the long term  expectations  of the  American governments to create a  ‘’benevolent  empire’’, popularized by  Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790)  and  Thomas  Paine(1737-1809), major architects of  America’s political  culture , or an ‘’empire of liberty’’ as  President Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809) espoused as political axiom. Therefore we see, that  the  United  States was founded on a  political environment  of  ‘’virtual reality’’, both politically and ideologically!!!(

By  observing the  socio-economic circumstances  under which these two distinct but major social communities of the  United  States evolved  during the last 250 years approximately, we will be able to once again substantiate our position in classifying this Nation as authoritarian, racist and imperialistic, demonstrating very few ideological commonalities with the political concepts of liberalism and republicanism, as well as with the socio-cultural  tenets of  Jesus Christ as described in the Christian Gospel!!!

We shall begin by analysing the historical evolution of the native American Indians, before and after American  Independence.

Before we go into detail concerning the plight of the Indian Nations of North America under the ‘’colonialist governance’’ of the white European settlers, before and after  American Independence in 1776, I would like to present a statement from the introduction of a study, undertaken by the University of Vienna in 2006, addressing the ‘’genocide’’ of the Cherokee Indian Nation(whose territory covered most of the south-eastern United States) under official government policy at all levels(federal, state, local), utilizing  American military forces and the American Judicial System to weaken, to dismantle and to eventually displace its peoples from their ancestral land.

The   introduction of the article, entitled ‘’The  Trail of  Tears across the Mississippi Valley’’, emphasizes the fact that, ‘’…There were ten million Native Americans on the American continent when the first non-Indians  arrived. Over the next 300 years, 90% of all  Native American original population was either wiped out by disease, famine, or warfare, imported by the whites…’’.(

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