The Greek crisis of 2012 -a ploy by foreign financial and political interests, supported by the human predators of the Greek Establishment. (Part D)

(I want to dedicate this text to those of my former students who in the end, chose “mediocrity” and “virtual reality” for the sake of their own society, their own families and their own survival).

The next “precious gem”  in  Greece’s modern politics  is  Kostas  Simitis, who served as  Prime  Minister of  Greece  from 1996  to 2004. Both the start and the ending of his premiership were the least, unorthodox and controversial (this in the context of   a normal political process within a   Democratic state), very similar to his own role as a political figure   and  as a political leader. On January 18, 1996, Kostas  Simitis  was  elected  Prime Minister of Greece by the  parliamentary members of his own party, PASOK, who held the majority of seats in the  Greek  Parliament. This followed   after the resignation   of   Andreas Papandreou from the position of  Prime Minister due to health reasons (even though during the last few years of  his premiership,  he was almost an invalid; his Greek male ego did not permit him to abandon political power and political glory).

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