What is the term “metamorphosis” and why we are using it as our logo for the site

“Metamorphosis” is a Greek word which means transforming something into something else. In my site, “metamorphosis” is primarily identified with the universal evolutionary process where everything is changing, every single entity in the universe. Nevertheless, modern human beings pretend that they can effectively manipulate and guide this chaotic and unpredictable process through human rationality and human intelligence; aiming at protecting their artificial defenses, materialistic or otherwise, for fear of the unknown.

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The Greek Parliamentary Elections of 2009; a mirror-image of the present “Political Culture”* of the country. (Part A)

Before examining the various socio-political dimensions which derive from the whole political setting of the Greek Parliamentary Elections of October 2009, I would like to refer to a modern political term which is used at times to record “empirically” and “schematically” those socio-political components which reflect the “political psyche” and “trends” of a society or a country. This modern political term is “political culture”. First of all, we have to mention that the term “polical culture” was created by American political scientists such as Lucian Pye,Sidney Verba and Gabriel Almond during the 1950s, when the United States of America was the most powerful “capitalist” country by “leaps and bounds”,with spheres of “economic”,”political” and “military” influence in Europe, Asia,the Middle East,Africa and South America.

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Why is the disappearance of the “Neanderthal” Man 30,000 years ago, significant today ? (Part E)

In the previous section(Part D) of our article on the "Neanderthal"Man, we mentioned that the "Cro-Magnon"Man was the first human being to create a "culture", using our general definition of culture which translates into"…the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared and accepted by people in a particular society…".The social pre-requisites needed to create an "organized culture" are many, some we have already specified when we described the everyday patterns of life, the everyday human behavior, the everyday social habits and the social organization of the groups of Cro-Magnon humans; that "human specie" which established itself throughout Europe, coming from the Middle East and North Africa more than 45,000 years ago. I believe that it is vital for us to outline once again, some of the human parameters which permitted the Cro-Magnons to create the first "organized society" and the first "organized culture" in their "primitive form". The basic "human ingredients" or "capacities" which were utilized creatively and effectively by the Cro-Magnons, materializing in a viable social organization and culture were four .First, there was "abstract thinking", based on concepts which go beyond specific examples. "Abstract thinking" can produce voice sounds with a certain "practical application" which…

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